
  • Call for papers Dossier 46 | Organizational Communication in Brazil: state of the field, panorama and study perspectives (September-Decembre 2024)


    Year 2024 - Number 46 (September-Decembre)
    Deadline for full paper submission: August 12, 2024
    Dossier theme: Organizational Communication in Brazil: state of the field, panorama and study perspectives

    Read more about Call for papers Dossier 46 | Organizational Communication in Brazil: state of the field, panorama and study perspectives (September-Decembre 2024)
  • Call for Papers Dossiê 45 - Comunicação Pública e Cidadania (maio - agosto 2024)


    O Dossiê 45 da Revista Organicom (maio - agosto de 2024) será dedicado ao tema “Comunicação Pública e Cidadania”. Coordenado pelos editores convidados Jorge Duarte e Michele Goulart Massuchin, este número especial busca avançar nas pesquisas sobre o tema, tratando de interesses e conflitos, uso de tecnologias e adaptação de práticas comunicacionais a contextos culturais e políticos variados. Convidamos a todos os pesquisadores do tema a enviar artigos até 30 de abril de 2024.

    Data limite para envio dos artigos: 30/04/2024

    Coordenadores/Editores Convidados:

    Jorge Duarte (Embrapa/UnB/ABCPública)

    Michele Goulart Massuchin (Universidade Federal do Paraná)

    Read more about Call for Papers Dossiê 45 - Comunicação Pública e Cidadania (maio - agosto 2024)
  • Call for Papers Dossiê 43 - Comunicação, Cultura e Liderança nas Organizações é prorrogado para 31 de julho


    The call for papers for Dossier 43 - Communication Culture and Leadership was extended to July 31, 2023.

    Coordinated by Professors Cleusa Scroferneker, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, and Rebeca Illiana Arévalo Martínez, from Universidad Anáhuac - Mexico, this issue of the Journal seeks to bring together articles that deal with the theme of culture and leadership in Organizational Communication and Public Relations in the context of public institutions, private organizations and civil society.

    Articles that address the following subtopics will be accepted:

    1. Communication and organizational culture in relation to leadership.
    2. Public relations, culture and organizational leadership.
    3. Organizational communication/public relations and leadership in institutions and organizations.
    4. Leadership and communication as axes for the development of culture in institutions and organizations.
    5. The role of organizational culture in public relations strategies.
    6. Leadership for public relations in multicultural contexts.
    7. Interculturality and its impact on leadership and communication in organizations and institutions.
    8. Culture, organizational communication/public relations and leadership in civil society organizations.
    9. Research methodologies, indicators and tools for evaluating organizational culture, public relations/organizational communication and/or leadership.
    10. Applied research, successful cases in organizational communication/public relations related to culture and leadership.
    11. Communication, culture and leadership in organizational communication/public relations in the digital field

    Read more about Call for Papers Dossiê 43 - Comunicação, Cultura e Liderança nas Organizações é prorrogado para 31 de julho
  • Call for Papers Dossier Measurement and Evaluation in Organizational Communication and Public Relations - Organicom N.42 (May - August 2023) -


    Organicom is pleased to invite you to send contributions to the Dossier 42 (May - August 2023) dedicated to Measurement and Evaluation in Organizational Communication and Public Relations, which will be published in August 2023.

    Deadline for submission: April 06, 2023.

    To submit your article access: 


    Call for papers

    In recent decades, the measurement and evaluation function has demonstrated its relevance in the strategic management of communication in organizations (Macnamara,2023; Capizzo, 2022; Macnamara & Gregory, 2018; Adi & Stoeckle, 2021). The wisdom of the classic axiom "you cannot manage what is not measured" is undeniable nowadays for communication management. 

    Yet measurement and evaluation as an essential stage in the strategic planning of communication (see the RACE matrix), has a less straightforward history including research history. Countries likes the United States, United Kingdom and Germany claim more than 80 years of professional experience in measurement and evaluation of communication (Lindenmann, 2005). Associations too, mostly western-based, celebrate decades of practice. AMEC (International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication) for instance celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2021, launching a dedicated space for academic collaborations, while the IPR Measurement Commission has reached this milestone this year. Within the Latin American space, notable contributions were made by (in chronological order) Castillo y Álvarez-Nobell (2015); Batteries and Bowen (2013); Likely and Watson (2012); Alvarez-Nobell (2011); Álvarez-Nobell y Lesta (2010); Armendariz (2010); Michaelson and Stacks (2011); Cuenca (2010); Yanaze (2010); Lindenmann (2005) and Kunsch (1997) among others. 

    Already anticipating recent trends in the field, in 2005 Volume 2 of the Organicom magazine (2005) dealt with this topic. Published under the title "Avaliação e mensuração em Comunicação Organizacional", the journal features significant works: Xifra-Triadú (2005), Grunig (2005), Lopes (2005) and Yanaze & Crepaldi, (2005).

    In 2022, as in 2005, measurement and evaluation of communication remains both exciting and worrying as it raises the expectations of those who bet and invest in organizations, based on the potentials offers of communication management. This is partly due to the fact that technology and digitization have modified and integrated communicative processes around a virtual world, intensifying the value and impact of the meaning of actions and messages under fundamentally relational flows and characteristics.

    Measurement and evaluation give a strategic and essential role to those who exercise the function of Dircom (PR/Comms), as it enables them to constantly prove their contribution towards the achievement of organizational purposes and their adding value to the organization. However, to demonstrate this contribution, it is necessary to embrace and apply – both in academia and in corporate environments (companies, NGOs, research providers and communication agencies) - a set of assumptions. These assumptions -empirical, theoretical and even methodological- once recognized would allow practitioners and academics alike to understand this integral (and integrated) vision of measurement and evaluation in strategic communication. These assumptions must legitimize the evaluation function in integral relation to the communication planning processes that are supposed to create the effects. 

    In this special edition, the Organicom Journal seeks to bring together theoretical, applied and empirical studies on the function, practices and tools of measurement and evaluation in the strategic planning of communication, as a continuous, formative and summative activity in terms of results; and in relation to the objectives organizations, the purpose and those objectives (such as the SDGs; ‘wicked problems’ and VUCA) that also guide the economic impact, social and environmental.

    In this sense, articles that meet the following subtopics will be accepted: 



    1. Transformations in contexts, organizations and communication and their impact on measurement and evaluation. Agendas and issues management. From Social Responsibility to the triple bottom line and beyond. Management of crises and potential conflicts.
    2. Evaluation in strategic planning in communication: goal-oriented systems: purpose and objectives. Planning perspectives in communication and measurement system at the organizational level. Measurement of professional performance. Decision making and information systems. 
    3. The function of measurement and evaluation in communication: background and evolution of the different contexts. Standards, difficulties (diagnose, investigate and evaluate). Formative and summative evaluation. Measurement and evaluation models: production, exposure, impact and participation. Impact Levels. Indicators and variables. Key performance indicators in communication (KPI). 
    4. Measurement and evaluation strategies and tools in virtual contexts. Map of actors. Audiences, networks and communities Big data and social media. Participating in the conversation. AI and machine learning.
    5. Strategies and tools for measurement and evaluation for the control of the public agenda and social impact: Evaluation of the Lobby and Opinion Leaders. Transparency and accountability. Evaluation of sponsorship, associated image and event management. Relationship with marketing and advertising. 
    6. Measurement and evaluation strategies and tools for the control of media agendas: integral content management. Measuring transmedia. Press management and media relations. Automations, machine learning and artificial intelligence. 
    7. Trends and comprehensive evaluation models. Evolutions models.



    PhD. Alejandro ALVAREZ-NOBELL (University of Málaga; Director del Latin American Communication Monitor – EUPRERA. ESPAÑA)

    PhD. Ana ADI (Quadriga University of Applied Sciences. GERMANY)

    PhD. Antonio CASTILLO-ESPARCIA (University of Málaga; Presidente de AIRP - Asociación de Investigación en Relaciones Públicas. SPAIN)

    Thomas STOECKLE (Bournemouth University & PR Academy London; Analytics & Insights Partner at Dot I/O Health. UNITED KINGDOM)

    PhD. Valéria de Siqueira Castro LOPES (São Paulo University. BRASIL)



    Adi, A & Stoeckle, T. (2021). Future of Communications and Public Relations (PR).(Re) Imagining the Role, Function and Purpose of the Communication Profession. ESSACHESS–Journal for Communication Studies, 14(1 (27)), 7-14.

    Álvarez Nobell, A. (2010): La evaluación en Comunicación. Desarrollo histórico y principales antecedentes. España. Tenerife, España. 2010. Libro. Artículo Completo. Congreso. II Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social. Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social. (ISBN: 978-84-938428-0-2) - 

    Álvarez Nobell, A. y Lesta L. (2011): Medición de los aportes de la gestión estratégica de comunicación interna a los objetivos de la organización. Revista PALABRA CLAVE. Bogotá: Universidad de La Sabana. 2011 vol.14 n°1. p11 -30. ISSN: 0122-8285. - 

    Armendáriz, E. (2010). Las relaciones públicas y su evaluación. Madrid. España: Fragua comunicación 

    Asociación Internacional de Medición y Evaluación de la Comunicación.

    Capizzo, L. (2022). What counts amid contention? Measuring perceived intractable problems in public relations. Public Relations Review, 48(2), 1-11.

    Castillo, A. y Álvarez Nobell, A. (2015): Evaluación en comunicación estratégica. Madrid: McGrawHill 

    Cuenca Fontbona, J. (2010). “La investigación en la planificación estratégica de las relaciones públicas investigación aplicada y formativa: la auditoría de relaciones públicas” en Las Relaciones públicas en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Asociación de Investigadores en Relaciones públicas (AIRP). España. 

    Grunig, J. E. (2005). Guia de pesquisa e medição para elaborar e avaliar uma função excelente de Relações Públicas. Organicom, 2(2), 46-69.

    ICOMI: Instituto de estudios de la Comunicación Institucional (2002). Medición del aporte de la Comunicación Institucional al valor de la organización y sus marcas. Argentina: Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales. 

    Kunsch, M. (1997). Obtendo resultados com relaçoes públicas. São Paulo: Pioneira. 

    Likely, F.; Watson, T. (2012). Measuring the edifice: public relatiosn measurement and evaluation practices over the course of 40 years. En Public Relations Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3. 

    Lindenmann, W. K. (ed.), (2005). Putting PR Measurement and Evaluation. Into Historical Perspective. Miami, USA: Institute for Public Relations Research, University of Florida. 

    Lipschultz, J. H. (2023). "Big data analytics": Technology, tools, and strategic change. In D. Pompper, K. R. Place, & N. Weaver (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Public Relations (pp. 363-372). Routledge.

    Lopes, V. de S. C. (2005). O relações públicas como gestor da imagem e a importância da mensuração dos resultados em Comunicação Corporativa. Organicom, 2(2), 70-95.

    Macnamara, J. (2000). The ad value of PR (Advertising balues to measure PR: why they are invalid). Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, Vol 2, No 1, 99-103, Canberra University. 

    Macnamara, J. (2023). Measurement, evaluation + learning (MEL): New approaches for insights, outcomes, and impact. In D. Pompper, K. R. Place, & C. K. Weaver (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Public Relations (pp. 225-236). Routledge.

    Macnamara, J., & Gregory, A. (2018). Expanding evaluation to progress strategic communication: Beyond message tracking to open listening. International Journal of Strategic Communication12(4), 469-486.

    Michaelson, David; Stacks, Don (2011). Standardization in public relations measurement and evaluation. En Public relations journal. Vol. 5, No. 2. Public Relations Society of America. 

    Namakforoosh, M. N. (2000). Metodología de la investigación. Editorial Limusa.

    Sampieri, R. H. (2018). Metodología de la investigación: las rutas cuantitativa, cualitativa y mixta. McGraw Hill México.

    Stacks, Don W, Bowen, Shannon (2013). Dictionary of public relations measurement and research. Publicado por The Institute for Public Relations in 

    Swiatek, L., & Galloway, C. (2023). Artificial intelligence and public relations: Growing opportunities, questions, and concerns. In D. Pompper, K. R. Place, & N. Weaver (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Public Relations (pp. 352-362). Routledge.

    Xifra-Triadú, J. (2005). El issues management como estrategia de Relaciones Públicas. Organicom, 2(2), 28-43.

    Yanaze Higuchi, M. (2010). Retorno de investimentos em comunicação. Avaliação e Mensuração. San Pablo, Brasil: Difusão 

    Yanaze, M., & Crepaldi, U. (2005). A Comunicação e a tangibilidade de sua avaliação. Organicom, 2(2), 134-145.

    Read more about Call for Papers Dossier Measurement and Evaluation in Organizational Communication and Public Relations - Organicom N.42 (May - August 2023) -
  • Organicom lança call for papers para os dossiês de 2023


    Dear researchers,

    It is with pleasure that we announce the Organicom`s calls for papers for 2023. “Women and Feminisms: world of work, organizations and society” will be the central theme of Dossier 41 (Jan-Apr 2023), under the coordination of Dr. Maria Aparecida Ferrari (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) and Ms. Sheila Saraiva (Master at the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain). The submissions for this edition are  now open and closed on January 15, 2023.


    The thematic Dossier 42 (May-Aug 2023) will be dedicated to “Measurement and Evaluation in Organizational Communication and Public Relations”, being coordinated by Dr. Alejandro Álvarez-Nobel (Universidad de Malaga, Spain), Dr. Antonio Castillo-Esparcia (Universidad de Malaga, Spain), Dr. Ana Adi (Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Germany) and Thomas Stoeckle (Bournemouth University & PR Academy London, United Kingdom), whose submissions will be open until march 6, 2023.

    The last edition of 2023 (n° 43, September 2023) will have the Dossier “Communication, Culture and Leadership in Organizations” coordinated by professors Dr. Cleusa Scroferneker (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and Dr. Rebeca Illiana Arévalo Martínez (Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico) with submission deadline June 30, 2023.

    Read more about Organicom lança call for papers para os dossiês de 2023
  • CALL FOR PAPERS Revista Organicom - No. 40 – SET/DEZ 2022 Dossiê: “Mulheres e Feminismos: sociedade, comunicação e organizações”



    Revista Organicom - No. 40 – SET/DEZ 2022


    “Mulheres e Feminismos: sociedade, comunicação e organizações”

    Data limite para o envio dos artigos: 21 de agosto de 2022

    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS Revista Organicom - No. 40 – SET/DEZ 2022 Dossiê: “Mulheres e Feminismos: sociedade, comunicação e organizações”
  • CALL FOR PAPERS – DOSSIER 38 - Dialogic relations, vulnerabilities and resistances in the internal environment of organizations



    ORGANICOM - Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations. No. 38 - January-April 2022

    Deadline for submission: 28/02/2022

    Theme of the dossier: Dialogic relations, vulnerabilities and resistances in the internal environment of organizations

    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS – DOSSIER 38 - Dialogic relations, vulnerabilities and resistances in the internal environment of organizations
  • CHAMADA PARA PUBLICAÇÃO DE ARTIGOS – DOSSIÊ 38 - Relações dialogais, vulnerabilidades e resistências no ambiente interno das organizações



    ORGANICOM - Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations. No. 38 - January-April 2022

    Deadline for submission: 29/01/2022

    Theme of the dossier: Dialogic relations, vulnerabilities and resistances in the internal environment of organizations

    Read more about CHAMADA PARA PUBLICAÇÃO DE ARTIGOS – DOSSIÊ 38 - Relações dialogais, vulnerabilidades e resistências no ambiente interno das organizações
  • Listening to Our Latin American Environment: Communication in and of organizations in turbulent times



    This dossier proposed by Organicom journal is inspired by the central theme of the Second Meeting of the Latin American Communication Research Network (RedLACo), held on November 17, 2020. The objective is to analyze the social, political and economic context of the Latin American region from the communication in and from organizations, to question professional practice in the light of the demands it presents. On the one hand, these demands cause organizations to develop their communication processes based on globalization, wanting to be everywhere, but not to be anywhere safely (GARCIA CANCLINI, 2007). On the other hand, these demands represent a change in the role that organizations play in society, more responsibility is required in their actions and in terms of communication, greater transparency. However, more transparency and accountability do not guarantee the reduction of crises.

    Read more about Listening to Our Latin American Environment: Communication in and of organizations in turbulent times
  • CHAMADA PARA PUBLICAÇÃO DE ARTIGOS - Dossiê 36 - Discurso organizacional: contextos, práticas e produção de sentidos


    Dossier: Organizational discourse: contexts, practices and production of meanings

    In the field of communication, organizations can be taken as relational environments instituted and updated by and in discursive practices, either from institutional processes and strategies, or from disturbances caused between management forces and emergencies of audiences. In addition, the power of organizational discourses in the perspective of instituting worldviews that, in some way, converge with the principles and desires of the organizations themselves, is evident. Therefore, organizational discourses are symbolic conformations, marked by interactional traces, oriented to produce effects of specific meanings with a view to instituting certain truths. In these discourses, individuals take places (subject positions); in them symbolic forms prescribe concrete processes of material (re)production – a gesture that, in contemporary contexts, tends to be crossed by strategic sophistications and by outbursts of experiences.

    Thus, different epistemic-theoretical and methodological perspectives of discourses have gained space in the scope of research on organizational discourse due to their power as research lenses, especially when they allow us to pay attention to the complex and dynamic processes that intend to constitute stability, define identity contours and strategic positions, naturalize power relations, (dis)qualify differences, affirm legitimacy, generate recognition and establish structures, among other things.

    Organizational discourses, therefore, imply unfinished interactional processes between organizations and audiences, although they present themselves as a field of disputes shaped by (never fully attainable) desires for accommodation, capture and/or control by management strategies and by the desires of building concept images, becoming categories that reveal contexts, power relations, resource distribution and diverse disputes. In this configuration, both professional fields of communication and communicational spheres emerging from audiences present themselves as spaces that reveal discursive practices, dear to organizational communication studies.

    In this dossier, Revista Organicom seeks to gather epistemic, theoretical, empirical and/or methodological studies that mobilize different approaches to Organizational Discourse, aimed at highlighting contexts, practices and processes of production and circulation of meanings in the relational environments that constitute and cross interactions between organizations and audiences. In this way, articles that discuss:

    • Discursive practices and power relations
    • Linguistic-discursive strategies, disorders and contexts
    • Discursive constructions of identity and difference
    • Organizational discourses, institution rituals and desires for truth
    • Production and circulation of meanings in organizational practices
    • Public communication, politics and organizational discourse
    • Human rights, ethics and organizational discourse
    • Brand discourse, visibility, concept-image construction and legitimization processes
    • Discursive circulation and technologies
    • Organizational discourse, culture and production of subjectivities
    • Discourses, historicities and temporalities in organizational contexts
    • Public space, disputes of meanings and audiences
    • Discursive production and organizational communication strategies

      Invited editors:

    Rudimar Balidissera PPGCOM-UFRGS) -

    Rennan Mafra (UFV/PPGCOM-UFJF) -


    Guidelines for authors:

    The texts must follow the norms of the ORGANICOM Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations and must be submitted at


    ORGANICOM Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations

    Published by the Brazilian Association of Organizational Communication and Public Relations (Abrapcorp) and by the Department of Public Relations, Advertising and Tourism of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo. The publication is a scientific journal of international scope and is aimed at expanding the space for production, exhibition and debate in the fields of Organizational Communication and Public Relations, as well as being a permanent bridge for dialogue between the university, its researchers, professors and students. , and the corporate world.

    Deadline submission:   30/04/2021

    Read more about CHAMADA PARA PUBLICAÇÃO DE ARTIGOS - Dossiê 36 - Discurso organizacional: contextos, práticas e produção de sentidos