Aspects of Italian culture in Brazilian Portuguese classes: reflections on school textbooks
Textbook, Italian culture, High school, Teacher educationAbstract
The use of textbooks (LD) in Portuguese language classes is a reality in most Brazilian regular schools. In many cases, it is the teacher’s only tool to subsidize their classes. This article aims to survey data about the presence of Italian culture in the collection of textbooks of Portuguese for brazilian high school: Esferas das linguagens. For this purpose, we use a qualitative approach, of a basic nature and with exploratory and descriptive objectives, since it is an aspect that is still understudied in textbooks. From this, the idea of the study is to reflect on how a training in Literature, which is not limited to the study of Portuguese, but includes a foreign language and literature, can offer the teacher tools that can also help in Portuguese classes. Our focus here will be Italian culture due to the fundamental role it plays in the construction of Brazilian identity and the frequency with which references to this culture are used in textbooks, a fact that the manual chosen for our analysis shows.
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