

eISSN 2236-4242

Capes Qualis-Journals (2017-2020): A4 

Indexes: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MIAR, MLA, Latindex, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, and more.

Sponsor: Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais (ABCD-USP)

Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil

Publication frequency: quarterly (April, August and December).

  • About the journal


    Linha D'Água is an academic journal published since 1980 by the Graduate Program in Filologia e Língua Portuguesa (Philology and Portuguese Language) of Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of University of São Paulo (USP, Brazil). The journal is certified by the Digital Libraries and Collections Agency (ABCD-USP) and is ranked as a A4 journal by Capes Qualis-Journals (2017-2020).

    Every four months (quarterly), Linha D’Água publishes thematic issues that feature articles, reviews, translations and interviews in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Submissions must follow the rules of Linha D'Água Journal, available at:

    Linha D’Água is indexed in the main databases: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, and more.

    Please select your preferred language on the right side vertical menu in order to view the Journal’s content in that language.




    Thematic issue 37/3 (2024): Language/languages ​​in textual, enunciative and discursive studies, to be published in up to September 2024. Deadline for submission: closed. For more information, click here.

    Thematic issue 37/4 (2024): Chiffons de Papier and the Resurgence of the Epistolary: Metamorphoses, Dynamics, and Confluences, to be published in December 2024. Deadline for submission: closed. For more information, click here.

    Thematic issue 38/1 (2025): Chiffons de Papier and the Resurgence of the Epistolary: Metamorphoses, Dynamics, and Confluences, to be published in April 2025. Deadline for submission: closed. For more information, click here.

    Read more about About the journal
  • New Issue Published - Vol. 37, No. 2 (2024)


    The journal Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil) has just published a new issue on the theme: "Linguistics and Health Literacy: Crossing Perspectives."

    The scientific contributions that make up the thematic dossier "Linguistics and Health Literacy: Crossing Perspectives" illustrate the richness of a multidisciplinary vision, combining, on one hand, theoretical and methodological approaches from language sciences and, on the other hand, a focus on topics that support health literacy. This creates the guiding thread of the dossier. The collection of 12 contributions and a review share the common goal of presenting foundations, strategies, and results that promote and help improve health literacy.

    The thematic dossier was guest-edited by Prof. Dr. Raquel Silva (CLUNL / VOH.CoLAB, Portugal) and Prof. Dr. Sara Carvalho (CLLC / CLUNL, Portugal).

    We invite everyone to access the articles in the dossier, which is available at:

    Read more about New Issue Published - Vol. 37, No. 2 (2024)
  • New Issue - v. 37, n. 1 (2024)


    The journal Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil) has just released a new issue with the theme: "Dialogue between Brazil and Portugal in Textual and Discourse Studies."

    In this issue, 13 articles are gathered, focusing on the relationship between language, text, and discourse from various perspectives: Cognitive Linguistics, Textual Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Argumentation Theory, and Dialogical Theory.

    The two opening texts of the issue are grounded in Conceptual Metaphor studies, within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. The issue continues with a set of four texts that, to a greater or lesser extent, are anchored in textual studies, either from the perspective of Textual Discourse Analysis or Textual Linguistics. Two of these articles delve into digital discursive practices, a subject that has gained much attention in the field. This is evident in three other articles that comprise the issue, as they present studies on the digital from the perspectives of Rhetoric, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Argumentation Theory. Argumentation serves as the point of articulation between the last text of the set and the following text, which theoretically examines the concept of argument. The three texts that conclude the issue are grounded, to varying degrees, in the dialogical perspective of language. The first article in this set establishes a connection with the previous set by focusing on one of the rhetorical proofs, ethos.

    The issue was organized by the journal's editors, Paulo Roberto Gonçalves-Segundo (Editor-in-Chief) and Gabriel Isola-Lanzoni (Associate Editor).

    We invite everyone to access the articles of the dossier, which are available at:

    Read more about New Issue - v. 37, n. 1 (2024)
  • Thematic Issue 38/1: Dialogues of Bakhtin's Work and the Circle with Other Theories and Areas of Knowledge


    The work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle was produced between the late 1910s and 1975, the year of Mikhail Bakhtin's death. This period was marked by epistemological innovations in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, linguistics, education, etc., which was originated, among other factors, from intersections between different areas of knowledge and theories. The work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle is a concrete example that statements, including those of the scientific sphere, are constituted primarily, but not exclusively, in dialogue with other statements within the same field. These intersections will be the object of reflection in this thematic issue along two main axes:

    1) The investigation of theoretical bibliographic sources derived from different theories (Marxism, philosophical idealism, linguistic idealism of Humboldt, Russian and Western European formalism, phenomenology, religious philosophy, etc.). The works in this axis should address how the perception of the sources of Bakhtinian ideas is fundamental to their understanding, i.e., how knowledge of these works illuminates aspects of Bakhtin's and the Circle's theory. Due to the complexity of the theories involved, authors are expected to propose in-depth and detailed studies on an author, a work, or a fundamental theory in the constitution of Bakhtinian thought;

    2) Considering that, in contemporary times, Bakhtinian theory has come into contact with different areas of knowledge and theories, the works submitted in this axis should highlight the contributions of the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle to these areas and theories. Emphasis is placed in this axis on the contemporary concept of transdisciplinarity, in which an area of knowledge is constituted by the displacement of concepts from different areas. In this context, the aim is to address how Bakhtinian theory contributes to domains assumedly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, such as education and applied linguistics in Brazil.


    Linha D’Água accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish. This journal is indexed in: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, among others.


    Submission deadline closed: June 30, 2024.

    Estimated publication: April 2025.


    To access the submission guidelines, click on


    Guest Editor:

    Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo
    Diálogo Research Group (USP/CNPq)
    University of São Paulo, Brazil




    БАХТИН, М. М. [BAKHTIN, M. M.]  К философии поступка [Por uma filosofia do ato]. Собрание сочинений t. 1. Философская эстетика 1920х годов [Obras reunidas vol. 1. Estética filosófica dos anos 1920]. Org. S. G. Botcharóv, N. I. Nikoláev. Moscou: Издательство русские словари/Языки славянской культуры, 2003[192-]. p. 7-68, 351-492.

    БАХТИН, М. М. [BAKHTIN, M. M.]  К вопросам методологии эстетики. Проблема формы, содержания и материала в словесном художественном творчестве [Questões de metodologia estética. O problema da forma, do conteúdo e do material na criação artística verbal]. Собрание сочинений t. 1. Философская эстетика 1920х годов [Obras reunidas vol. 1. Estética filosófica dos anos 1920]. Org. S. G. Botcharóv, N. I. Nikoláev. Moscou: Издательство русские словари/Языки славянской культуры, 2003[192-]. p. 265-325, 707-878.

    BAKHTIN, M. Questões de Literatura e estética (A Teoria do Romance). 3. ed. São Paulo: Editora da UNESP, 1993[1990]. p. 13-70.

    BAKHTIN, M. Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski. 5. ed. Tradução, notas e prefácio P. Bezerra. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 2010 [1963].

    БАХТИН, M. M. [BAKHTIN, M. M.], М. М. Бахтин. Собрание сочинений. Т. 4(2). Творчество Франсуа Франсуа Рабле и народная культура Средневековья и Ренессанса (1965 г.). Рабле и Гоголь. Искусство слова и народная смеховая культура (1940, 1970 гг.). Комментарии и приложения. [M. M. BAKHTIN. Obras reunidas vol. 4(2). A criação  de François Rabelais e a cultura popular na Idade Média e no Renascimento (1965). Rabelais e Gógol. A arte da palavra e a cultura cômica popular (1940, 1970). Comentários e anexos]. Москва: Языки Славянских Культур, 2010.

    БАХТИН, М. М. [BAKHTIN, M. M.] М. М. Бахтин: собрание сочинений т. 3. Теория романа (1930-1961 гг.) [M. M. Bakhtin: obras reunidas vol. 3. A teoria do romance (1930-1961)]. Редакторы тома С. Г. Бочаров и В . В. Кожинов. Москва: Языки Славянских культур, 2012a.

    БАХТИН, М. М. [BAKHTIN, M. M.] Из предыстории романного слова [Sobre a pré-histórica do discurso/palavra romanesco/a]. In: БАХТИН, М. М. [BAKHTIN, M. M.]  М. М. Бахтин: собрание сочинений т. 3. Теория романа (1930-1961 гг.) [M. M. Bakhtin: obras reunidas vol. 3. A teoria do romance (1930-1961)].  Редакторы тома С. Г. Бочаров и В . В. Кожинов. Москва: Языки Славянских культур, 2012b. p. 513-553.

    BAKHTIN, M. Teoria do romance I: a estilística. Tradução, pref., notas e glossário P. Bezerra; org. da ed. russa Serguei Botcharov e V. Kójinov. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2015.

    BAKHTIN, M. Notas sobre literatura, cultura e ciências humanas. Org., tradução, posfácio e notas P. Bezerra. São Paulo : Editora 34, 2017[1970-71]. p. 21-56.

    BAKHTIN, M. Teoria do romance III: o romance como gênero literário. Tradução, posfácio e notas de Paulo Bezerra. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2019.

    BAKHTIN, M. Problemas da obra de Dostoiévski. Tradução, notas e glossário S. Grillo e E. V. Américo. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2022[1929].

    GRILLO, S.; AMÉRICO, E. V. Registros de Valentin Volóchinov nos arquivos do ILIAZV. In: VOLÓCHINOV, V. (CÍRCULO DE BAKHTIN). A palavra na vida e a palavra na poesia: ensaios, artigos, resenhas e poemas. Org., tradução, ensaio introdutório e notas S. Grillo e E. V. Américo. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2019. p. 7-56.

    GRILLO, S. V. C.. Mikhail Bakhtin: pensador do riso, da crise e da mudança na teoria dos gêneros do discurso. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, v. 30, p. 1185-1205, 2022.

    MEDVIÉDEV, P. O método formal nos estudos literários. Introdução crítica a uma poética sociológica. Tradução e notas E. V. Américo e S. Grillo. São Paulo: Contexto, 2012[1928].

    SCHLEIERMACHER, F. D. E. Herméneutique. Pour une logique du discours individuel. Tradução C. Berner. Alençon (Orne) : CERF/PUL, 1987[1809-1810].

    VOLÓCHINOV, V. (CÍRCULO DE BAKHTIN). A palavra na vida e a palavra na poesia: ensaios, artigos, resenhas e poemas. Org., tradução, ensaio introdutório e notas S. Grillo e E. V. Américo. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2019[1926]. p. 109-146.

    VOLOCHINOV, V. N. (CÍRCULO DE BAKHTIN). Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem. Problemas fundamentais do método sociológico na ciência da linguagem. Tradução, notas e glossário S Grillo e E. V. Américo. 3. ed. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2021[1929].

    Read more about Thematic Issue 38/1: Dialogues of Bakhtin's Work and the Circle with Other Theories and Areas of Knowledge
  • New Issue - v. 36, n. 3 (2023)


    The journal Linha D'Água (USP, Brazil) has recently published a new issue with the theme: 'Teaching Argumentation.'

    In this special issue, readers will find studies discussing the teaching of argumentation from various perspectives and in different curriculum components of basic and higher education. These studies provide theoretical reflections, analytical procedures suitable for didactic purposes, and teaching proposals on argumentation that can serve as a resource for educators and researchers at any level of education.

    The issue comprises a collection of nineteen articles and two book reviews, divided into three axes: (i) texts discussing teacher training for teaching argumentation, (ii) texts analyzing the multiplicity of possibilities in the materialization of teaching argumentation, and (iii) texts with contributions from the exact sciences, particularly Mathematics, but also Physics.

    The thematic issue had as guest editors Prof. Dr. Eduardo Lopes Piris (UESC, Brazil and Prof. Dr. Isabel Cristina Michelan de Azevedo (UFS, Brazil).

    We invite everyone to access the articles in the dossier, available at:

    Read more about New Issue - v. 36, n. 3 (2023)
  • Thematic Issue 37/4: Chiffons de Papier and the Resurgence of the Epistolary: Metamorphoses, Dynamics, and Confluences


    In an increasingly digitalized world, hand-written letters were once the main media of communication and now face imminent extinction. The secular habit of transposing dialogs in absentia in a white piece of paper, during millennia considered ordinary, have become rare. The digital age has changed our experiences of written interaction in everyday life and from e-mail to different apps for short fragmented dialogues; we see the resurgence of modus epistolaris and these polymorphic, nomadic and paradoxical texts.

    On the context of transformation, this issue of Linha D’Água has the objective precisely to analyze, in a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, the contemporaneity of the epistolary and examine the metamorphoses triggered by the rise of digital forms of communication.

    We welcome reflection on the development of digital humanities, which present significant challenges to the study and analysis of epistolary discourse, insofar as the potentialities of digital technology provide access to and exploration to various dimensions that were once difficult to circumscribe and systematize, covering the philological, linguistic, historical and sociocultural levels.

    This thematic issue also encourages investigations on various sides of the epistolary that attracts great interest: primarily, questioning the letter as fragmentary, autobiographical text and highly significant historical and sociological document. In parallel, the use of epistolary resources in literature, including the study of epistolary novels and pamphlet letter, as well as their presence in cinema, are desirable complementary approaches in line with the interdisciplinary dynamic that guides this issue.


    The Linha D’Água journal welcomes submissions in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and is indexed in: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, among others.


    Submission deadline (CLOSED): May 31st, 2024.

    Expected Publication: December 2024.


    To access the submission guidelines, please click on


    Guest Editors:

    Isabel Roboredo Seara
    Universidade Aberta (UAb), Portugal
    Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon (CLUNL/NOVA), Portugal.

    Renata Ferreira Costa
    Universidade Federal do Sergipe (UFS), Brazil.

    Read more about Thematic Issue 37/4: Chiffons de Papier and the Resurgence of the Epistolary: Metamorphoses, Dynamics, and Confluences
  • New Issue - v. 36, n. 2 (2023)

    The journal Linha D'Água (University of São Paulo, Brazil) has just published a new issue with the theme: "Studies in Grammar, Text, and Discourse."   This special issue comprises a range of proposals that either delve into specific linguistic phenomena to gain deeper insights into texts/discourses or facilitate a better understanding of language functioning from diverse perspectives – pragmatic, semantic, and morphosyntactic – anchored in textual/discursive configurations.

    The issue aims, more than the exhaustive description and analysis of grammatical, textual, and discursive phenomena, to highlight the complex relationships and interactions that are established among the various levels that, methodologically distinct, constitute the inherent dynamism of linguistic functioning, uses, and applications.

    The thematic issue was edited by six professors and researchers from different Portuguese universities.

    We invite everyone to access the articles of the issue, which is available at: Read more about New Issue - v. 36, n. 2 (2023)
  • Thematic Issue 37/3: Language(s) in textual, enunciative and discursive studies


    This issue aims to collect articles on language(s) in textual, enunciative and discursive studies within the scope of political, legal, religious, educational, scientific, academic, media, artistic-literary and digital spheres. We expect diverse contributions that investigate different linguistic-discursive materialities (written, spoken, verbal-visual, digital, etc.).

    It's expected texts that intend to contextualize the data under investigation, establishing relations between text and discourse – and/or between them and education -, expressing the position of speakers/enunciators/actors/subjects, considering the different theoretical perspectives.

    This thematic issue, dedicated to the topic of language(s) in the multiple social fields, is open to contributions from researchers, regardless of their field of work, who can offer theoretical thoughts and analytical procedures in the field of textual, enunciative and discursive studies.


    The Linha D’Água journal welcomes submissions in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and is indexed in: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, among others.


    Submission deadline closed on February 06 , 2024.

    Expected Publication: September, 2024.


    To access the submission guidelines, please click on


    Guest Editors:

    Maria das Graças Soares Rodrigues
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

    Maria Inês Batista Campos Noel Ribeiro
    University of São Paulo, Brazil.

    Sueli Cristina Marquesi
    Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil.

    Read more about Thematic Issue 37/3: Language(s) in textual, enunciative and discursive studies
  • New Issue - v. 36, n. 1 (2023)


    Em abr. 2023, foi lançado o novo número da Revista Linha D'Água, cujo tema foi: Toponímia, seus caminhos: Tradição e inovação no estudo dos nomes de lugares.

    A edição foi organizada pela Profa. Dra. Patricia Carvalhinhos (USP) e pela Profa. Ma. Adiana Tavares Lima (USP).

    Este dossiê temático sobre Toponímia e seus rumos tomou como diretriz as palavras-mote tradição e inovação. A chamada captou contribuições que ilustram esses direcionamentos e são provenientes de pesquisadores de diferentes partes do Brasil e de outros países, permitindo-nos associar os nove artigos aprovados em três grupos distintos. Além disso, o número conta com duas entrevistas; a primeira, de um professor português e, a segunda, de uma professora italiana.

    O número pode ser acessado pela aba "ATUAL" ou clicando aqui.

    Read more about New Issue - v. 36, n. 1 (2023)
  • Thematic Issue 37/1: JADIS IX & CIED IV


    This call for papers is intended for participants of the JADIS IX - CIED IV Meeting, which took place on the 12th, 13th and 14th of October 2022, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto, under the motto: “Past, Present and Future: discussing the relevance of Discourse Studies”.

    The call is launched simultaneously in the journals Linha D’Água and REDIS, which will organize a thematic issue each, destined to the publication of works of this Scientific Event. Participants must submit their proposal to one of the two journals. The objective is that the two issues absorb all the works sent and selected through the peer review system.

    This thematic issue will thus bring together articles resulting from the communications, plenaries and workshops presented at the Meeting, which must comply with the “Submission Rules” of the journals (Linha D’Água paper submission instructions; REDIS instructions for authors).

    The theme of the event started from the recognition of the multifaceted and dispersed character of the currents of analysis and coexisting schools in the area, launching the challenge for an integrated reflection on the object of discourse and its scientific and social relevance. Each proposal presented at the Meeting contributed to demonstrating the said relevance and to favoring the dialogue between the theoretical-methodological proposals, highlighting what they have in common.


    NEW submission deadline: July 15, 2023.

    Publication preview: April 2024.


    Guest Editors for the Special Issue

    Paulo Roberto Gonçalves-Segundo
    Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

    Alexandra Guedes Pinto
    Faculty of Arts and Humanities. University of Porto (Portugal)

    Zilda Aquino
    Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

    Gabriel Isola-Lanzoni
    Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

    Vanessa Anachoreta
    Faculty of Arts and Humanities. University of Porto (Portugal)

    Read more about Thematic Issue 37/1: JADIS IX & CIED IV
  • Thematic Issue 37/2: Linguistics and health literac(ies): crossing perspectives


    This call focuses on the concept of health literacy, which refers to the motivation and set of abilities each individual has or should have to access, understand, assess and use information about health. Therefore, health literacy is currently a pivotal axis in what concerns public health, both at a national and international level.

    In addition to its relevance as a gateway to health education as a right, health literacy also contributes to improving people’s lives by expanding their cognitive skills and by fostering behavioural changes.

    However, despite the relatively easy access to health-related information nowadays, several international health literacy assessment questionnaires conclude that a vast majority of individuals struggle to fully grasp that information. Understanding the discourse from a healthcare professional, assimilating information about the way a given medicine is taken, discerning the results of diagnostic examinations, or reading and completing an informed consent before a medical procedure represent some of the challenges depicted in the literature addressing this topic.

    International studies show a strong correlation between education, literacy level and one’s state of health, indicating that there is, indeed, a connection between an individual’s literacy and his/her respective ability to understand, argue, question or simply act upon his/her health.

    On the other hand, health literacy plays a key role in citizen action by empowering people to make informed decisions and stimulating their autonomy in preventing disease and managing their own health. In short, it is based on the notion of citizen engagement (active involvement), aiming at beneficial impacts for society, such as promoting equity in healthcare access and contributing towards the sustainability of healthcare systems.

    Within this scope, language sciences constitute a critical pillar in the development of health literacy as being increasingly effective, efficient and, above all, humanised.

    Given the preceding background, we believe it is extremely relevant to dedicate a special issue to the topic of health literacy, highlighting its diverse perspectives and shapes, hence the reference to health literac(ies) in the title.

    In order to foster knowledge sharing and to further stimulate reflection, we encourage the submission of original articles, therefore inviting the contribution of specialists, researchers and students whose studies or academic results relate to this topic. We particularly welcome inter- or multidisciplinary studies which emphasise the contribution of language and communication sciences to the promotion of health literacy.

    The articles may be more theoretical or methodological in scope or, in turn, oriented towards the presentation of results, as long as the general perspective is centred on the citizen/patient, and may include more traditional formats, as well as others more oriented towards digital health literacy.

    The approaches may be diverse, including:

    • the analysis of language usage in its various dimensions, through lexical, semantic and morphosyntactic studies;
    • the description of grammatical, discursive and textual phenomena, with a view to argumentative and/or descriptive analysis;
    • the analysis of specialised phraseology, recurrent in the healthcare domain;
    • the use of discourse popularisation for the purposes of effective communication;
    • the exercise of terminology popularisation, maintaining the precision and its respective adequacy to the overall communication purpose;
    • the use of plain language techniques;
    • the discourse mediation between healthcare professionals/patients and expert patients/patients;
    • the creation of terminological resources and glossaries with simple and clear explanations or definitions;
    • the use of knowledge organisation to aid the understanding of healthcare concepts;
    • the design of information materials for health literacy, aimed at the different user profiles and based on the assessment of their needs;
    • the creation of storytelling or podcast content as alternative formats for conveying health information;
    • the use of narrative medicine techniques, as a practice anchored in the attention to language and to stories, based on the experiences lived and reported by patients;
    • the application of health literacy assessment tools to observe aspects of comprehension or perception of health information.


    The Linha D’Água journal welcomes submissions in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and is indexed in: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, among others.


    Submission deadline closed on October 31st, 2023.

    Publication preview: June, 2024.


    To access the submission guidelines, please click on


    Guest Editors:

    Raquel Silva / 
    NOVA CLUNL – Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Portugal.
    VOH.CoLAB – Laboratório Colaborativo Value For Health CoLAB / Portugal.

    Sara Carvalho 
    NOVA CLUNL – Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Portugal.
    CLLC - Centro de Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro / Portugal.

    Read more about Thematic Issue 37/2: Linguistics and health literac(ies): crossing perspectives
  • New Issue - v. 35, n. 3 (2022)


    Em dez. 2022, foi lançado o novo número da Revista Linha D'Água, cujo tema foi: Estudos comparativistas – Literatura comparada & estudos interartes.

    A edição foi organizada pelo Prof. Me. Yuri Andrei Batista Santos (UParis, França/Diálogo-USP), pela Profa. Dra. Daniela Nienkötter Sardá (Diálogo-USP) e pelo Prof. Dr. Urbano Cavalcante Filho (IFBA/UESC/Diálogo-USP).

    O número contou com contribuições de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores de diversas universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras. Na seção artigos, foram dez os textos aprovados, além da tradução de um artigo recentemente publicado na revista L’Annuaire théâtrale (atual Percées – Explorations en arts vivants). O número conta, além disso, com uma entrevista com uma pesquisadora e escritora brasileira da área da literatura, e com a resenha de uma obra publicada este ano pela editora Pontes, intitulada “Tradução, comparatismo e estudos interartes”.

    O número pode ser acessado pela aba "ATUAL" ou clicando aqui.

    Read more about New Issue - v. 35, n. 3 (2022)
  • Thematic Issue 36/3: Teaching Argumentation


    The argument is presented in this call as central to gather articles and academic essays that highlight how this object of knowledge has been approached by those who are concerned with the teaching practices carried out in basic education and higher education, mainly in Brazil, but also in many countries of the so-called West.

    Linha D’água expects manuscripts that discuss the teaching of argumentation from different perspectives, so that it is possible to know different ways to develop argumentative abilities and/or competences at different educational levels, in alignment with social language practices and different modalities of argumentative interaction .

    Multiliterate social practices, educational demands and educational systems are already showing signs that pedagogical practices need to go beyond the traditional teaching model of writing dissertations and academic essays; therefore, there is an expectation that the submitted manuscripts can explore proposals that are associated with contemporary demands for language use.

    For these reasons, this thematic issue dedicated to the teaching of argumentation is open to contributions from scholars who, regardless of their area of expertise, can offer theoretical reflections, analytical procedures capable of teaching and proposals for teaching argumentation that serve as a subsidy for teachers who work at any level of education.

    Thus, this thematic issue intends to bring together in the same space important discussions that innovate the theoretical, methodological, analytical and didactic scope regarding the teaching of argumentation in Brazil and in other countries.

    Linha D’Água accepts works in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, and is indexed in the main databases: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, and more.

    NEW submission deadline: April 30, 2023.

    Issue publication: December 2023.

    To access the submission rules, click


    Guest Editors:

    Professor Eduardo Lopes Piris (UESC, Brazil)

    Professor Isabel Cristina Michelan de Azevedo (UFS, Brazil)

    Read more about Thematic Issue 36/3: Teaching Argumentation
  • New Issue - v. 35, n. 2 (2022)


    Em ago. 2022, foi lançado o novo número da Revista Linha D'Água, cujo tema foi: A análise de discursos comparativa e outras abordagens comparativistas em ciências da linguagem.

    A edição foi organizada pela Profa. Dra. Daniela Nienkötter Sardá (Diálogo-USP), pelo Prof. Dr. Urbano Cavalcante Filho (IFBA/UESC/Diálogo-USP) e pelo Prof. Me. Yuri Andrei Batista Santos (UParis, França/Diálogo-USP).

    O número contou com contribuições de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores de diversas universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras. Na seção artigos, foram nove os textos aprovados, além da tradução de um artigo recente publicado na revista francesa Langage & Société. O número conta, além disso, com duas entrevistas — uma nacional e outra internacional — e com a resenha de uma obra recentemente publicada no exterior sobre análise de discursos e comparação.

    O número pode ser acessado pela aba "ATUAL" ou clicando aqui.

    Read more about New Issue - v. 35, n. 2 (2022)
  • Thematic Issue 36/2: Studies in Grammar, Text, and Discourse


    This call for papers is intended for the participants in the 7th GRATO – International Conference on Grammar & Text, which took place online from the 18th to the 21st of November 2021, organized by the research group Grammar & Text (G&T) of the Linguistics Center of the NOVA University of Lisbon (CLUNL).

    This edition of the Linha D’Água journal will bring together articles that contribute to the deepening of the relationship between grammar and text/discourse as a space for convergences and interactions. The research work presented and discussed in them can be developed in different theoretical-methodological frameworks and may also focus on the treatment of topics from different domains of linguistic functioning and activity: morphology, semantics, text theory and discourse analysis, from synchronic and diachronic perspectives.

    The journal is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Latindex, DOAJ, REDIB, MLA, Linguistic Bibliography, EZB, Diadorim, Google Scholar, and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES.

    Please note that submitted articles must be in accordance with the "Submission Guidelines" of Linha D'Água:

    Submission deadline: November 30, 2022.

    The thematic issue will be published in August, 2023.


    Guest editors:

    Helena Topa Valentim (NOVA FCSH / CLUNL)

    Matilde Gonçalves (NOVA FCSH / CLUNL)

    Teresa Oliveira (IP Portalegre – ESECS / CLUNL)

    Isabelle Simões Marques (Universidade Aberta / CLUNL)

    Carla Teixeira (IP Lisboa -ESE / CLUNL)

    Rute Rosa (CLUNL)

    Read more about Thematic Issue 36/2: Studies in Grammar, Text, and Discourse
  • Atualização da plataforma de publicação de Linha d'Água


    No início de agosto de 2018, o Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo /SIBi atualizou a plataforma de publicações de periódicos da Universidade, Open Journal Systems/ OJS. A mudança tem  como objetivo  oferecer a autores, avaliadores, editores um ambiente mais interativo tornando o processo editorial mais rápido  no envio dos textos até sua publicação.

    O processo de submissão dos artigos sofreu alterações.Os autores na revista,  ao acessarem o site da Linha d'Água para submeter o artigo,  são  direcionados a uma área interna da plataforma, onde estão disponíveis todos os formulários e instruções de submissão, e por onde o envio de arquivos será realizado. Toda a comunicação com os editores, da submissão à publicação, pode agora ser realizada nessa dessa área interna da plataforma com grande agilidade.

    Caso  alguém se  depare com  algum problema no funcionamento no espaço digital, estamos às ordens e para isso basta entrar em contato conosco no email

    Read more about Atualização da plataforma de publicação de Linha d'Água