Hoc Est Corpus Meum: LeNarrative Medioevali del Couer Mangé e la Novella del Decameron IV, 9


  • Fabiano Dalla Bona Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Decameron, cœur mangé, Middle Ages, Eucharist, anthropophagy, Cœur mangé, Middle ages


The story of a woman induced by a cruel marital revenge to unknowingly eat her lover’s heart is an extremely productive topos in Western Literature. The theme of the cœur mangé, already widespread in the folklore and firmly established in archaic religious and anthropological beliefs, attains in the Middle Ages its most significant representations. To eat the enemies’ heart is a ritual in which the living indubitably vanquishes the dead and exorcizes an eventual vengeance. From the myth of Dionysius to Decameron’s IV, 9, an analysis about the topos of the eaten hearts is offered, without leaving behind the anthropological, cultural and religious aspects


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Author Biography

  • Fabiano Dalla Bona, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    Professore del Dipartimento di Lettere Straniere Neolatine e del Programma di Post-laurea in Lettere Neolatine dell’Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ha ottenuto il suo Master in Letteratura Italiana presso l’Universidade de São Paulo, e il Dottorato in Lettere Neolatine – Letteratura Italiana presso la Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Concentra la propria ricerca sui rapporti tra Letteratura e Gastronomia e Letteratura e Paesaggio. Tra le sue pubblicazioni, ha scritto i libri Literatura e Gastronomia (2005), O Céu na Boca e Fama à mesa (2010).


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How to Cite

Bona, F. D. (2015). Hoc Est Corpus Meum: LeNarrative Medioevali del Couer Mangé e la Novella del Decameron IV, 9. Revista De Italianística, 29, 149-167. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.v0i29p149-167