Funzioni Identitarie dell'Alternanza Linguistica in Apprendenti di Italiano durante lo Svolgimento di Attività in Gruppo
interaction between pairs, related languages, conversation analysis, code switching, identityAbstract
This article, taking advantage of the theoretical tools developed by conversation analysis, plus a series of notions and references extracted from works that examine the structure of the interaction in the language classroom, reflects on the different uses that LE Italian students make of the languages present in class, especially the LM, during the development of group activities, to express the various identities that constitute each individual. The study suggests that the identity of the students are in continuous transformation. Indeed, to be able to affirm themselves, students must “interpret” a set of roles that change and that they should negotiate based on the context of the interactionDownloads
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How to Cite
Ferroni, R. (2013). Funzioni Identitarie dell’Alternanza Linguistica in Apprendenti di Italiano durante lo Svolgimento di Attività in Gruppo. Revista De Italianística, 2(26), 30-46.