Piagetian contributions to journalism education
Constructivism, Piaget, Journalism teaching, Genetic epistemology, Active learningAbstract
The article aims to present contributions of Jean Piaget’s thought to the teaching of journalism. It focuses on the active nature of the student in the construction of knowledge, as recommended by the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Journalism Course (MEC / CNE, 2013), and the importance of cognitive conflict, the value of error and the knowledge about how learning is constructed. Although Piaget did not conceive a pedagogical methodology, adaptations, appropriations, reflections and new theorizations about the precepts of his genetic epistemology can offer approaches to constructivist teaching and learning processes. In this paper, a dialogue is elaborated between the DCNs and the didactic models of Piagetian inspiration proposed by Gruber and Vonèche (1977) and updated by Macedo (2012).
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