Fanzine workshop

educommunication practices with House of Science students


  • Gabriella Zauith Casa da Ciência. Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto
  • Ângelo Rogério Davanço
  • Marisa Ramos Barbieri Casa da Ciência



educommunication, fanzine, House of Science of the Ribeirão Preto Blood Center, Adopt a Scientist; elementary and secondary education, Adopt a Scientist, elementary and secondary education


Educommunicative practices aim to expand the communicative expression. of young people. This article aims to present results of the House of Science fanzine workshop, as an educommunicative practice. The production of fanzines was conducted by means of workshops taught by journalists, in 2017 and 2018, as a supplement to the activities of the Adopt a Scientist program with elementary and secondary school students. Over 100 fanzines were produced, with themes based on lectures and undergraduate scientific research groups. Students had the opportunity to develop skills, including planning, involving choice of themes, production of texts, illustrations and finishing. As a result, the students have become authors of texts and illustrations, showing the learning of scientific concepts and of ways to share knowledge in a language suitable to the general public.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriella Zauith, Casa da Ciência. Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto

    House of Science – Ribeirão Preto Blood Center/SP. PhD in Education, Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Pedagogy, and university professor.

  • Ângelo Rogério Davanço

    Journalist specializing in Media Language. Publisher of the fanzine A Falecida, Ribeirão Preto/SP.

  • Marisa Ramos Barbieri, Casa da Ciência

    Coordinator of the House of Science. Retired teacher, collaborator of the University of São Paulo (USP).


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How to Cite

Zauith, G., Davanço, Ângelo R., & Barbieri, M. R. (2019). Fanzine workshop: educommunication practices with House of Science students. Comunicação & Educação, 24(1), 56-68.