JeB Spain’s advertising strategy around gender identity and sexual orientation diversity
Advertising, Gender diversity, Sexual diversity, Brand positioning, LGBTIQAbstract
Advertising emerges as a powerful tool to drive social change by embracing and communicating values that make brands advocates for diverse causes. In the face of fierce competition in the marketplace, companies, such as beverage brand JeB, seek to differentiate themselves by aligning themselves with values that are trending in society. In the period between 2021 and 2023, JeB has forged an advertising strategy that positions the brand as an advocate for gender and sexual diversity, basing its approach on concepts such as sexiness and "Christmas gayness". This approach not only seeks to sensitise urban and rural audiences to these realities, but also to project the brand as modern and progressive. Through innovative strategies, powerful storytelling and the use of powerful symbols, JeB is setting a benchmark in promoting values of respect and tolerance in its brand identity.
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