Knowledge Management as a Competitive Strategy for Tourism Management: a theoretical contribution




Knowledge, Narrative review, Processes in knowledge management, Tourism


Knowledge management has been adopted as a new organizational paradigm in contemporary society, but in the service sector, especially tourism, its applicability is still incipient. This management model is presented as a strategic tool in explaining the tacit knowledge of stake holders on the value of intellectual capital and, contributionof realistic and creative decisions for the segment. The objective of the study was to analyze how knowledge management and their processes can contribute to the strategic management of tourism, through a literature review. The methodological approach was guided in the interpretive paradigm, based on literature method. The research was developed in January 2015. The results showed that knowledge management can contribute decisively to the success of a tourist organization, since we use systematic procedures for creating, sharing and dissemination of knowledge between stakeholders, promotingcontinuousimprovementof processes onceinvested. In addition, the theoretical results demonstrate substantial contributions of knowledge management as a differential for the strategic management of tourism, innovative practices are easy to implement in tourist destinations and hotel companies. Still, it was found that most publications show studies in companies, normally in countries as the UK and Asia. Finally, knowledge management and the adoption of its principles are considered fundamental to ensurequality, innovation and creativity in tourist organizations, maintaining the company's competitiveness.


Author Biography

  • Maria Emília Martins da Silva, Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Avançado Sombrio

    Doutoranda em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2014 -). Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013). Especialista em Gestão Ambiental, pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2007). Bacharel em Turismo e Hotelaria pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2004). Docente do Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Avançado Sombrio.







How to Cite

SILVA, Maria Emília Martins da. Knowledge Management as a Competitive Strategy for Tourism Management: a theoretical contribution. Revista Turismo em Análise, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 27, n. 1, p. 43–64, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-4867.v27i1p43-64. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.