Loss of graduation of military agents of the auxiliary forces after 1988

case law


  • Douglas Pereira da Silva Military Police of Paraná




Loss of graduation, Military, Auxiliary forces


This work aims to explore the loss of the graduation of low ranking military, called Squares, starting with the federal constitution with the enigmatic article 125, § 4°, which brought so much turmoil to the legal world.The work has as starting point the article of Álvaro Lazzarini, called the Vitality of State Military Servers, published in the Magazine of Administrative Law, River of January n. 205, in 1996.The study analyzes from the first judicial decisions up to the present ones, with jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court, Courts of State Military Justices and Courts of State Justices and of the Federal District Court, seeking to offer an overview of the situation in all national territory. At the end is given focus to the radical modification of the understanding of the Federal Supreme Court. The work has great practical interest, due to the large number of Squares of auxiliary forces existing in Brazil,


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Author Biography

  • Douglas Pereira da Silva, Military Police of Paraná

    Mestre em políticas públicas pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2016), graduado no Curso de Formação de Oficiais pela Academia Policial Militar do Guatupê (1994), graduado em Administração pela Faculdade Estadual de Ciências Econômicas de Apucarana (1998) e graduado em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2009), com aprovação no Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil. Possui experiência na docência militar nas disciplinas de Direito Penal, Direito Processual Penal e Direito Administrativo. Possui ampla experiência em Polícia Judiciária Militar e experiência no setor público, principalmente em gestão de pessoas e formulação de projetos.






How to Cite

Loss of graduation of military agents of the auxiliary forces after 1988: case law. (2019). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 6(1), 263-285. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2319-0558.v6i1p263-285