Maternal depression, parental practices and child sex: prediction of children’s behavior
Depression, Early childhood education, Child psychologyAbstract
Exposure to maternal depressive symptoms and negative parenting practices during childhood configures a vulnerability factor associated with behavior problems among children. This study aims to verify the predictive effects of maternal depression (main factor) on behavioral outcomes and maternal parenting practices, considering the sex of the children (covariate factor); and the predictive effect of maternal depression, parenting practices, and child’s sex on behavioral outcomes. The sample was composed of a community sample of 101 mother-child pairs. Mothers answered to: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders, Parenting Styles Inventory, and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The covariance and multiple linear regressions analysis showed that being a boy, and specific practices of neglect, physical abuse, and permissive discipline were the main predictors of behavioral problems among children exposed to negative practices and maternal depression. These findings underline the role of the child’s sex in the interactions between variables, which could contribute to interventions in mental health.
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