The Concept of Great Time and Interpretation of Discourses




Bakhtin Circle, Discourse, Detachment, Ideology, Literature


The discourse reflects and refracts ideological values that characterize a perspective at the world. The interpretation of literary works also occurs in a similar way. The theme of this work is the interpretations of discourses over time. We chose the Bakhtin Circle as a theoretical basis due to its conception of language, which involves the ideological nature of the linguistic sign, based on the interaction between socially and historically situated interlocutors. Bakhtin assumes that discourses live in great time and break the boundaries of his time. Our aims are: (i) to reflect on the concept of great time applied to the interpretation of discourses; (ii) to discuss the importance of the cultural knowledge of the discourse production for its interpretation; (iii) to analyze how the socio-historical and cultural ideological distance collaborates for the construction of new meanings. We will analyze a social network post related to the tale Snow White and the poem É ela! I É ela! É ela! É ela! by Álvares de Azevedo. The method consists of applying Bakhtinian concepts to the statements. The results show that interpretation involves not only the perception of voices from the context of production of the works, but also the ideological positioning of the reader.


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How to Cite

DELANOY, Cláudio Primo. The Concept of Great Time and Interpretation of Discourses. Linha D’Água, São Paulo, v. 33, n. 3, p. 153–174, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2236-4242.v33i3p153-174. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.