Ideoculturemes in Jorge Amado’s of The Sands (1937)
Lexis, Culturemes, Brazilian Literature, Literary Discourse, Linguistic RegionalismAbstract
In this paper we present a study of culturemes related to linguistic culture (called here idioculturemes) that mark the literary discourse of Jorge Amado stylistically. We propose to analyse the lexical choices made by the author in Capitães da Areia (1937, Captains of the Sands), having the intention to later develop a glossary that could be attached to the novel, as a practical help towards reading in basic education. In this glossary we present the most expressive cultureme (cultural remarks) in this novel, from the perspective of lexical stylistics and their definitions as they are in Dicionário Houaiss (2009). We based our study on phraseological and linguistic theories, since the language used by Jorge Amado may be understood as a reflection of the interaction between society, language, literature and culture, and being that literary discourse the quintessential discursive instance and which transfers to the author’s novelistic production his cultural influence in the 1930’s.
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