L’Apprendimento integrato della lingua italiana e di contenuti non linguistici (CLIL) in Brasile
CLIL, lingua franca/working language, foreign language teaching competence, flexibility, synergy.Abstract
ith this article, thought wants to be given to how students acquire languages and subject matter. In this perspective, focus goes, on the one hand, towards CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning - from a theoretical and practical viewpoint, and on the other, to some of the advantages in teaching methodology coming from the application of CLIL in school curricula. With all this in mind, the article sets out from the scientific foundation CLIL is based upon, to then land on how the language and mat-ter of the subjects dealt with are related to their educational purposes and to the teaching plans where Italian as a Foreign Language (IFL) is integrated into non-linguistic matter content. From there onwards, room is given to the planning and implementation in class of CLIL teaching units. In the unfol-ding of all of this, concern is shown for where language and content meet, and what to do to allow for the best acquisition possible of both. Because of this intrinsic connection, the finest teaching methods are called upon so that the change in paradigm for both teaching and learning becomes a smooth transition towards becoming competent is a subject matter together with becoming fluent in a foreign language as Italian is in Brazil.Downloads
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How to Cite
Serragiotto, G. (2014). L’Apprendimento integrato della lingua italiana e di contenuti non linguistici (CLIL) in Brasile. Revista De Italianística, 24, 42-68. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.v0i24p42-68