Post-Method Pedagogy: Teaching Languages as a Political Commitment Beyond the Classroom
Teacher education, Postmethod, Politics and language teachingAbstract
The aim of this article is to present the contributions of Postmethod Pedagogy to language teaching and language teachers’ education. We argue that this theory, proposed by Kumaravadivelu, is inserted in the scope of the studies which enunciate principles of the language teaching-learning process and even in the research which denounce the colonizing function of the method and consider the search for social justice as one of the main roles of Education. This article is divided into four parts. In the introduction, there is a discussion about method and the importance of grasping the meaning of this concept for Postmethod, so as to avoid misunderstandings. Then, the emergence of Postmethod pedagogy is contextualized, establishing a dialogue with studies which contributed to elaborate the bases of a critical view about the method. In the third part, the principles, parameters, and macro-strategies that constitute the theory proposed by the Indian scholar are presented. Finally, the main ideas of the text are resumed, relating them to the fundamental aspects of a critical teacher education.
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