Teaching Intercomprehension between Romance Languages: An Exploratory Research with Learners of Italian
Intercomprehension between Romance Languages, Language teaching, Multilingual approaches, Teaching of Italian as L2Abstract
The aim of this study is to present reflections aroused from an exploratory research (GIL, 2008) carried out in an Intercomprehension course in Romance Languages for Italian students. Through a questionnaire, answered by students of the Italian language courses at the Circolo Italiano (CI) di San Paolo, with statements on the beliefs that learners have about learning foreign languages, we could observe that most of them – both from beginner, as well as intermediate levels – revealed to consider true the statement, according to which parallel learning of different Romance Languages can confuse learners because they could “mix languages”. On the other side, the CEFR (2001) emphasizes the need to consider that the learners have multilingual and multicultural competence, which encompasses all the languages he knows, particularly the nearby languages. This allows them to transfer knowledge between those languages. Starting from these reflections, we developed a short course of Intercomprehension between Romance Languages (IC), offered to the students of the institution, with the aim of presenting them the potentialities of IC for the development of receptive competence in Romance Languages and, concomitantly, in the Italian language. The material used in the course was essentially composed of texts extracted from the textbook EuRom5 (BONVINO et al., 2011) and other newspaper texts published in the chosen Romance Languages. The data collected after the course using specific questionnaires gave us material to discuss to what extent the participants’ perception of learning related languages at the same time has changed when compared with the first questionnaire.
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