O poeta entre o literário, o político e a polêmica: a recepção de Dante, no Romantismo francês


  • Celina Maria Moreira de Mello Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ




Dante, French romanticism, Transposition of art, Controversy


This essay draws a panorama of reception, in France, of the work of the poet Dante Alighieri, by scholars, translators, painters, and poets, in their role of cultural mediators, in a socio-historical and discursive perspective. Two different appropriations of the work of the Florentine poet are demonstrated as an example: Dante seen as a dangerous socialist Templar and a controversy, in the press, provoked by Dante’s biography, by Charles-Claude Fauriel (1772-1844), published in the Revue des Deux Mondes on October 1st, 1834. In addition to the conflicting positions in a perspective that aimed to constitute the literary field autonomy, we can see the confrontation of rival groups and publishing vehicles, the same happens with the reading of a chapter of narratives focused on the construction of national identities.


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Author Biography

  • Celina Maria Moreira de Mello, Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
    Professora titular de Língua e Literatura Francesa da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e pesquisadora do CNPq. Atualmente desenvolve o projeto “Estudo das relações entre literatura e arte; Berlioz romancista?” (EST.RE.LA).


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How to Cite

Mello, C. M. M. de. (2016). O poeta entre o literário, o político e a polêmica: a recepção de Dante, no Romantismo francês. Revista De Italianística, 31, 4-18. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.v0i31p4-18