Caravaggio e il Maccheronico di Teofilo Folengo


  • Bernardo Piciché Virginia Commonwealth University



Caravaggio, Macaronic, Teofilo Folengo, Baldus, Merlin Cocai, Michelangelo da Merisi, Parody


The work of the painter Michelangelo Merisi (better known as Caravaggio) reveals ideological and stylistic affinity with the literary production in macaronic Latin by Teofilo Folengo. Baldus, Folengo’s macaronic masterpiece, constitutes a typical example of what Genette defined as “serious parody”. By turning the ideological status quo upside down and by ridiculing its stylistic values, Folengo challenges the cultural and political establishment of his time. His mockingly polemical vein scorns pedantry in art and hypocrisy in religion. This analysis does not aim at establishing an influence of Folengo on Caravaggio, but rather an analogy. Folengo’s and Caravaggio’s relatively similar biographical and culture background, plus a common religious sensibility, encourage this hypothesis. Both authors come from the Italian region of Lombardy and present the marks of their typical regional ways to show indignation through irreverence as well as Christian creed through crude realism. The paradox, perfectly embodied by Christ, represents the inspirational force for both artists who are notorious for infringing the “Renaissance decorum”. Art historians will have to consider if the macaronic can hereinafter be included among the pictorial categories. This study argues only for the proximity in ideological belief and artistic style between Caravaggio and Folengo’s macaronic plume


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Author Biography

  • Bernardo Piciché, Virginia Commonwealth University
    È professore di italianistica, studi mediterranei e studi comparati di letteratura. Coordina i corsi di Italian e di Mediterranean Studies della VCU, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. Laureato in giurisprudenza presso l’Università di Roma, nello stesso ateneo ha ottenuto il suo master in Italianistica. Ha poi proseguito i suoi studi di post-laurea presso l´Université de Paris e la Yale University, ottenendo un dottorato in Lingua e Letteratura Italiana nel 2004. Tra le sue pubblicazioni si ricorda il libro Argisto Giuffredi, gentiluomo borghese nel vicereame di Sicilia (2006), con cui ha ottenuto il premio di miglior saggio critico dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Napoli






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How to Cite

Piciché, B. (2013). Caravaggio e il Maccheronico di Teofilo Folengo. Revista De Italianística, 25, 51-74.