Percursos na luta de coletivos culturais das periferias de São Paulo


  • Tâmara Pacheco Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades.



Necropolitics, Quilombagem, Colonialism, Coloniality of power


The main denunciation flag of the Brazilian black movement since the end of the 1970s is the genocide of black youth. It has been current and is gaining evidence with new forms of action and due to advances in social policies in democratic regimes, mainly since the 1990s and the paradigmatic changes in the capitalist mode of production. The most recent process of democratization in the country, achieving the citizen constitution from 1988, is marked by contradictions, the advance of neoliberalism, threats to Brazilian democracy, and the increase in violence rates, in which the young black man from the periphery becomes the “enemy of the State.” Using Quijano’s (2005) concept of Coloniality of power and the concept of Necropolitics, defended by Mbembe (2012), we seek to understand the political praxis of cultural collectives from the outskirts of the municipality of São Paulo that, by putting tension on State structures based on sociability alternatives, propose a new meaning to the public sphere. To understand black protagonism in the historical-social formation of Brazil, it is necessary to enter the slave mode of production, where the racial issue occurs with colonialism and class conflicts between slaves and masters. Moura (2001) calls “quilombagem” the strategies of denial of the slavery system by the enslaved. Today, this practice is updated with peripheral collectives.


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Author Biography

  • Tâmara Pacheco, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades.

    Doutoranda (Since 2021) and master in applied social sciences through the Social Change and Political Participation Program of EACH/USP Leste (2017); specialist - lato sensu - in the area of social sciences in Management of Cultural Projects and Organization of Events by CELACC (Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos sobre Cultura e Comunicação) from ECA at the University of São Paulo (2008) and graduated in Social Communication - Advertising & Propaganda for the Methodist University of São Paulo (2001).


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How to Cite

Pacheco, T. . (2023). Percursos na luta de coletivos culturais das periferias de São Paulo. Revista Extraprensa, 16(Especial), 37-53.