Ferenczi and education

deconstructing the denied violence





violence, denial, trauma, psychoanalysis, education


Clinical experiences and theoretical postulates of Sandor Ferenczi bring countless contributions to education. We try to articulate, in this article, two forms of denial of violence, one collective and the other strangely familiar. These are two dimensions based on a radically destructive traumatism, since it results in a self-cleavage. We hypothesize that the disavowal of the subject in the societal plane - through the objective violence of exploitation by capital - strengthens the identification with the aggressor and the reproduction of incapacitating mechanisms in the educational sphere. The traumatic violence perpetrated among the subjects in school is superimposed by an introjected cleavage in the division of classes, specifically in the separation between public and private education, as well as in the denial of racism of the Brazilian society. Introjection and transfer foster this process. The clash between adult and infantile worlds, with the hierarchical imposition of a vertical and hegemonic knowledge, usually erupts as a passage to the act on the intersubjective plane. The unconscious imbrication of these two planes of cleaved violence must be understood so that narcissistic fragilities come to be integrated empathically into feeling with each other. Sensitivity to a mutual transference allows the teacher to courageously expose his weaknesses in face of systemic hypocrisy, promoting recognition of the most vulnerable individuals.


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Author Biographies

  • Marilia Etienne Arreguy, Federal Fluminense University

    Psychoanalyst. Doctor in Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology - Université Paris Diderot. Doctor in Human Sciences and Health - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Post-Doctor in Education - Université Paris 8. Professor from Universidade Federal Fluminense - Niterói - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

  • Fernanda Ferreira Montes, Federal Fluminense University

    Professor of the Faculty of Education -  Universidade Federal Fluminense;

    PhD in Psychoanalytic Theory by the Post Graduate Program in Psychoanalytic Theory of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;

    Member of the Group Alterity Psychoanalysis and Education - GAP (E) - CNPQ.



How to Cite

Arreguy, M. E., & Montes, F. F. (2019). Ferenczi and education: deconstructing the denied violence. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 24(2), 246-261. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-1624.v24i2p246-261