The audiovisual experience in educational spaces: possible intersections between education and communication


  • Eloiza Gurgel Pires Universidade de Brasília



Education, Communication, Audiovisual media, Contemporaneity


This work draws relations between the fields of communication and education based on a reflection about the audiovisual experience within the context of educational spaces. The transversal character of the audiovisual media is pointed out as an important challenge for the school, considering the complexity of the historical moment in which we live, and its processes of construction of subjectivities attending new ways of reading, seeing, thinking and learning. We try to find within the current practices in classrooms aspects that could give us elements to examine some of the questions concerning the audio-image discourse under a cultural-historical perspective, repositioning the issue of technological poetics, and inserting technique into the universe of culture. Special care was taken with respect to the theoretical background for this study to avoid limiting the issues problematized in the investigation to certain theoretical ghettos, without, nevertheless, allowing the object of research to become diluted. We have, therefore, worked with authors that helped us to traverse different knowledges and fields of knowledge. We established dialogues with the Bakhtinian thought, with researchers that are reflecting on contemporary audiovisual productions, and with authors such as José Luiz Braga and Regina Calazans, Martin-Barbero and David Buckingham, who gave us a wider view of contemporaneity and of the significant issues in the fields of education and communication, particularly of the questions related to the education studies for the media.


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How to Cite

The audiovisual experience in educational spaces: possible intersections between education and communication . (2010). Educação E Pesquisa, 36(1), 281-295.