The contribution of magazine Comunicação & Educação for the creation of the Educommunication Program


  • Ismar de Oliveira Soares Universidade de São Paulo



educommunication, collective organic intellectual, epistemological reflection, education for communication, management communication.


The preface contextualizes this issue’s articles, classifying them according to their connections with the intervention areas of the educommunication field. With that, the author tries to show the consistency of the work developed along last 15 years, on one hand, by the magazine editors and, on the other, by USP’s Department of Communication and Arts for the approval, in November of 2009, of an undergraduate course designed specifically for the formation of educommunicators. It is shown that the journal – that is the most utilized as bibliographic referential in the communication field thesis and dissertations – offered a decisive contribution for the construction of the new and inedited proposal that will result in the formation of a professional who will be simultaneously teacher of  communication and communication processes manager in
educational spaces.


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Author Biography

  • Ismar de Oliveira Soares, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professor Titular do Departamento de Comunicações e Artes da ECA/USP. Coordenador do Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação (NCE). Membro do Pontifício Conselho para as Comunicações Sociais (Vaticano 2001‑2009). Coordenador do Projeto Mídias na Educação, do MEC, para o Estado de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Soares, I. de O. (2009). The contribution of magazine Comunicação & Educação for the creation of the Educommunication Program. Comunicação & Educação, 14(3), 7-17.