Simón Rodríguez, 19th century educommunicator: historical reading of a technocultural experience


  • Adrian Padilla Fernandez Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez



Simón Rodríguez, Educommunication, Technocultural practices


Simón Rodríguez, since the Spanish colonial period, claims the dialectic between education and communication as a key factor of an original-critical thinking and a necessary condition for the emergence of new republics. In this work we propose a historical reading of the comprehension of master Rodriguez about the importance of the communication technology of his time. The return of Simón Rodriguez, in his texts, to what is written, published, and divulged, as a fundamental part of the structuring processes of the public opinion and of the perception of what is public in the configuration of the social reality, it tells us about its evaluation of society and its valuing of technological centrality, as was the press in the 19th century, at the time he was alive.


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Author Biography

  • Adrian Padilla Fernandez, Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez

    Doutor e mestre em Jornalismo pela USP. Professor-pesquisador do Cepap e da UNESR (Venezuela). Professor visitante sênior do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociedade e Fronteira da Universidade Federal de Roraima.


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How to Cite

Fernandez, A. P. (2022). Simón Rodríguez, 19th century educommunicator: historical reading of a technocultural experience: . Comunicação & Educação, 27(1), 119-130.