Paulo Freire: a tender observation of the school education of indigenous peoples
Paulo Freire, Indigenous school education, Indigenous people, Resistance, HistoryAbstract
This writing resulted from the analysis of the document: A dialogue with Paulo Freire on Indigenous Education (FREIRE, 1982) that took place in June 1982 in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso at the 8th Regional Assembly of the Indigenist Missionary Council (CIMI). The document analysis was the methodological procedure adopted in this study, among other issues, which allowed us to understand Paulo Freire’s borderline thinking through class and ethnicity articulation. In general, the meeting provided an important reflection on alterity punctuated by considerations and questions specific to dialogical experiences and the confrontation of tensions between asymmetric cultures. Although from the beginning of the event Paulo Freire stated that he was not an expert on the subject, it was possible to discuss issues of the oppressed condition in these contexts and thus interpret resistance behaviors and suggest emancipatory paths.
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