An analysis of textbook content for the emancipatory literacy of adults in the postcolonial educational context. The case of the Brazilian Amazon in the 1980s
Citizenship education, Emancipatory literacy, Adult literacy, Paulo Freire, Textbook analysisAbstract
This research focuses on the notion of emancipation in textbooks inspired by the work of Paulo Freire. Those were used for adult literacy programs in the context of postcolonial education in the North of Brazil between 1960 and 1980. This study was based on the methodology of content analysis of textbooks and on literature on citizenship education. The main objective was to construct and evaluate the strength of a conceptual model of emancipatory literacy. By using three methodological steps to analyze the contents in textbooks that are favourable for the development of this type of literacy, we verified that, in the studied sample, the types of citizen orientation, towards justice or citizen participation, are part of the primary criteria that help define the contents of the textbooks that favour emancipatory literacy.
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