Solano Trindade e a poética da resistência: na ausência, a existência
Solano Trindade (1908-1974), Afro-Brazilian poetry, Brazilian LiteratureAbstract
This article aims to point out some lines of force in the poetry of Solano Trindade (1908-1974), one of the most important figures in Afro-Brazilian poetry. Trindade’s artistic production was concentrated between the 1930’s and 1960’s, period within which the author established himself as a militant in favor of black populations and popular art movements, participating in the Teatro Experimental do Negro (TEN) and founding the Teatro Popular Brasileiro (TPB). His poetry was also circumscribed within these two limits of action, managing to fill a gap by recovering the past of Black men and women in Brazil as an act of resistance, affirming the existence of what was socially silenced.
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