Writings: the blog and the microblog as research spaces in life history
Twitter, Digital research tools, Life history, Religious fundamentalismAbstract
This article is based on a research
aimed at contributing to the knowledge
and diagnosis of forms of violence in contexts
of religious fundamentalisms, and to
deepen the theoretical discussions of the
subject, with a special focus on the role
played by Education. The methodology
included the creation of a weblog opened
to the postings of life histories of girls and
women who suffered violence in contexts
of religious fundamentalisms. The analysis
concluded that, in order to study themes
still involved in silence and prejudice, as
is the case of the relationship between
gender violence and religious fundamentalisms,
combining the blog with other tools
of cyberculture can be of great relevance,
since that it allows for the creation of
spaces of trust and intimacy that favor the
sharing of personal testimonies.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Roselete Fagundes de Aviz, Gilka Elvira Ponzi Girardello

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