Women, memory and war: from the imagem to the body of the performer


  • Oriana Del Mar Salcedo Jiménez Universidade Estadual de Campinas. UNICAMP.




poetic image, performance, female, Colombian armed conflict


This article aims to narrate the experience and show the first results of the first stage of research of the Master’s project “Women in combat, women in war: A case study of the construction of the poetic image in performance”, which has been developed by the author, through the creation laboratory “Image, sensation and body”. It describes part of this creative process and puts into question the role of the performer. It was concluded that it is important to vibrate in only one sense the sensation, the feeling and the speech within the scene. 


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Author Biography

  • Oriana Del Mar Salcedo Jiménez, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. UNICAMP.

    Licenciada em Arte Teatral pelo Instituto Departamental de Belas Artes, em Cáli, Colômbia. É mestranda em Artes Cênicas no Instituto de Arte da Unicamp, estudando o tema processos criativos e linguagens poéticas.


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Filmes e Documentários

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Retratos en un mar de mentiras. Direção: Carlos Gaviria. Colômbia. 2010. DVD (130 min).



How to Cite

Women, memory and war: from the imagem to the body of the performer. (2015). Revista Aspas, 5(1), 84-95. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3999.v5i1p84-95