Authority and the didascalias: a passage for Corte Seco, by Christiane Jatahy


  • Stefanie Liz Polidoro UDESC



authorship, auctoristas, dramaturgy


This article proposes a review of the differences between authorship and authority and their relation in contemporary drama. For this reflection, we chose the work Corte seco (2010), by Christiane Jatahy, and some notes by Birkenhauer in the text Zwischen Rede und Sprache, Drama und Text


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Author Biography

  • Stefanie Liz Polidoro, UDESC
    Atriz, mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teatro da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, com bolsa da CAPES.


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How to Cite

Authority and the didascalias: a passage for Corte Seco, by Christiane Jatahy. (2015). Revista Aspas, 5(1), 119-129.