My life in pink

female transsexuality scenes in childhood


  • Megg Rayara Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Paraná



This article discusses female transsexualism in childhood. The movie My Life in Pink (Belgium, France, United Kingdom, 1997) and the documentary My Secret Self (United States of America, 2007) are used as object of analysis, trying to relate to the current debate on Gender Ideology. Then, the study focuses on the central ideas of the two productions, namely: the transition from male to female gender, the pathologization and depatologization of trans identities, the relationship between anatomical sex and gender identity, symbolic violence, cis-heteronormativity and adultcentrism. To make this debate, John Thompson’s (2009) reflections on mass communication and symbolic violence, gender studies and sexual diversity are considered in the article, as well as poststructuralist studies, especially Michel Foucault’s work.

Keywords: Gender identity, Transsexuality, Childhood, Symbolic violence, Society.


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Author Biography

  • Megg Rayara Gomes de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Travesti preta, doutora em educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná.



How to Cite

My life in pink: female transsexuality scenes in childhood. (2018). Revista Aspas, 8(1), 108-129.