Internet of things as media: perspectives and challenges for communication and advertisement design
Design, Internet of Things, Design Science Research, Communication, MediaAbstract
This research has communication, design, and internet of things as its theme and the graphic interface of interactive advertisement for internet of things as its object. The general objective of this study is to evaluate internet of things as media from a design perspective. Our guiding question concerns the aesthetic regimes of interaction within the internet of things. From a theoretical point of view, this research uses the assumptions of the revised Medium Theory. From a methodological point of view, this study was guided by the ideas of Design Science Research. This methodology aims to solve and understand complex problems and build and evaluate artifacts. Within this scope, we used exploratory research, users’ experiences, and prototype creation and testing to investigate perspectives and obstacles to internet of things as a media for interactive advertisements. Thus, we seek to integrate the interpretation of the phenomenon from the point of view of communication and data science from the point of view of the internet of things. Results can contribute to prescriptions for graphic design of advertisements aimed at responsible consumption.
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