Risks of Supplementation with Excessive Doses of Vitamin D
Sobredosis de Vitamina D - Aspectos éticos
Ethics professional, Geriatrics, Acute kidney injury, Drug-related side Effects and adverse reactions, Vitamin DAbstract
Vitamin D poisoning was not frequent in Brazil until its increasing use in the last decade. In this article, we report a case of intoxication by intentional prescription of vitamin D in a much higher dose than the literature recommends, in order to prevent diseases via “hormonal modulation”. The case described in this report was an elderly woman, previously healthy patient that was submitted to an unregulated treatment without scientific support, leading to symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, in addition to weight loss, lack of appetite, polyuria and asthenia over the months. Through the history and laboratory testing, vitamin D intoxication and acute kidney injury were diagnosed. After treatment, there was a complete remission of the symptoms. "Hormonal modulation" is a practice condemned by the Federal Councils of Medicine and Dentistry and by the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology. The act of prescribing is of great ethical and technical responsibility and it must be based on scientific evidence. Thus, the patient can receive the best possible treatment, for either preventive or curative nature, by respecting the recommendations of the competent authorities and, therefore, minimizing risks and damages to patients.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dagna Karen Oliveira, Bruna Orso, Juliana Yukari Oshiro, Raquel Laís Kreuz, Kenny Regina Lehmann

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.