Nasal septum injury in preterm infants using nasal prongs


  • Suely de Fátima Santos Freire Bonfim Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Hospital das Clínicas; Unidade Neonatal
  • Maria Gorete Lucena de Vasconcelos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Nayara Francisca Cabral de Sousa Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Daiana Vieira Câmara da Silva
  • Luciana Pedrosa Leal Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Departamento de Enfermagem



OBJECTIVE: to assess the incidence and risk factors associated with nasal septum injury in premature infants using reused and new nasal prongs. METHOD: the study was a cohort from an open therapeutic intervention. The sample included 70 infants with a gestational age inferior to 37 weeks, who used nasal prongs and were hospitalized at the neonatal service of a hospital in Recife-PE, in the Northeast of Brazil. The data were collected in patient files through the assessment of the application of the device and of the nasal septum. Multinomial Logistic Regression and Survival analyses were applied. RESULTS: the incidence of nasal injury corresponded to 62.9%. In the multiple analysis, only the length of the infant's treatment was a determinant factor for the occurrence and severity of the injuries. CONCLUSION: the type of nasal prong does not serve as a risk factor for the nasal injury. The high incidence of nasal injury indicates the need to adapt the nursing care with emphasis on prevention.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Nasal septum injury in preterm infants using nasal prongs . (2014). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 22(5), 826-833.