Burnout and resilience in intensive care Nursing professionals in the face of COVID-19: A multicenter study





Burnout, Professional; Resilience, Psychological; Nursing; Intensive Care Units; Coronavirus; Brazil.


Objective: to analyze the relationship between the Burnout dimensions
and the work resilience of intensive care Nursing professionals in
the COVID-19 pandemic in four hospitals from southern Brazil.
Method: this is a multicenter and cross-sectional study, composed
of 153 nurses and nursing technicians of the Intensive Care Units.
Sociodemographic, health and work-related questions were collected,
and the Maslach Burnout Inventory and Resilience at Work Scale 20
instruments were applied. The data were submitted to descriptive
analysis and to bivariate and partial correlations (network analysis).
Results: work resilience presented an inverse correlation to emotional
exhaustion (r=-0.545; p=0.01) and depersonalization (r=-0.419;
p=0.01) and a direct one to professional achievement (r=0.680;
p=0.01). The variable with the greatest influence on the correlation
network was the perception of the impact of the pandemic on mental
health. Conclusion: resilience interferes in the emotional exhaustion
and low professional achievement domains of Burnout. Emotional
exhaustion is conducted through minor psychological disorders, with
an impact on the workers’ physical and mental health variables. The
development of institutional resilience should be encouraged in order
to moderate the illness.


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How to Cite

Burnout and resilience in intensive care Nursing professionals in the face of COVID-19: A multicenter study. (2022). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 30, e3589. https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.5778.3589