Diagnosis of the Study of Sustainability in Higher Education Courses in Brazil
Brazil, Higher Education, Environmental Education, Public Policies, SustainabilityAbstract
Sustainable Development is an incessant quest by States and individuals to improve the quality of life for present and future generations. Brazil, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, seeks actions to achieve the proposed objectives, and one of them is associated with target 4.7. of the SDGs, where it reinforces the importance of education for sustainable development. Thus, this descriptive article, using the hypothetical deductive method, and a qualitative and quantitative research, sought to identify, using the MEC national data base, the undergraduate courses in Brazil associated with the theme of sustainability, georeferencing them with a view to map them and quantify their distribution of vacancies in relation to the Brazilian population. After analyzing the results, it was possible to identify that there are 341 higher education courses in Brazil focused on the theme of sustainability, accounting for 396,349 vacancies/year offered in 25 states and the Federal District, but unevenly, prioritizing states in the South-Southeast axis, the which demonstrates its permeability in the national territory, but still incipient for the theme to be in fact disseminated in higher education courses, and in this way the long-awaited Sustainable Development is achieved.
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