Music for Life: well-being and mental health in children stimulated with music education based on active methodologies in religious music study groups
musica education, active methodology, mental health, religion, quality of lifeAbstract
Active practices and methodologies are of great importance in music education. Few studies show musical training analysis and the approach of musical pedagogical materials in religious contexts. Music education can contribute to the participants' learning process, quality of life, socialization, expression, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Therefore, through this review, we intend to encourage and elucidate the practices of active methodologies in teaching music to children and relate the improvement in quality of life, well-being, and mental health. In addition, we intend to explore how significant the teaching and learning process can be with children who play the gospel hymns on keyboards and in orchestras, as well as illustrate a methodology that helps the understanding of theoretical references in a playful way through activities with the support of active methods of several musical pedagogues throughout our history. And finally, we will relate the theme of music education, the benefits of active methodologies, and highlight the benefits of music education on the quality of life, well-being, and mental health of participants who go through the learning process musical.
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