Perspectives on Beethoven’s Middle and Late Periods: Developments in his Writing for Cello in the Op. 69 and Op. 102 Sonatas




Beethoven, Beethoven's Middle Period, Beethoven's Late Period, Cello sonatas, Opus 69, Opus 102


This article explores the developments in Beethoven’s writing for the cello in the Op. 69 and Op. 102 sonatas, with the premise that they reflect the overall shift in his style from his Middle to Late Periods. In order to place the cello sonatas in context, the traditional framing of Beethoven’s work into three phases is described and well as the current state of cello writing at the turn of the century. The cello part in the Op. 69 sonata is then discussed, with attention to the role of the cello as compared to the piano and to the interaction between the two instruments. The Op. 102 sonatas are presented, also with attention to the interaction between the instruments. The suggestion is made that these sonatas illustrate Beethoven’s increasingly radical treatment of form, a treatment that results in challenging instrumental writing that, while not as gratifying as that of his Middle Period, nonetheless allows him to attain a new kind of expressivity as well as formal complexity.


Author Biography

  • Elise Pittenger, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Escola de Música

    Elise Pittenger é professora de cello na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), onde também coordena a área de Música de Câmara e o Grupo de Violoncelos, e realiza um projeto de pesquisa sobre música brasileira para violoncelo. Natural de Baltimore, EUA, ela se mudou para o Brasil em 2010 para integrar a Orquestra Filarmônica de Minas Gerais, na qual exerceu o cargo de chefe do naipe de violoncelos de 2011 a julho de 2015. Elise possui doutorado em performance musical pela McGill University (Canadá), sob a orientação do cellista Matt Haimovitz e mestrado pela Rice University (EUA), onde estudou com Norman Fischer. Possui também bacharelado em literatura pela Yale University (EUA). Elise já tocou sob a regência de Kurt Masur, Seiji Ozawa, Charles Dutoit, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Fabio Mechetti, Isaac Kabachevsky, Carl St. Clair, e Maximiano Valdés, entre outros, em festivais e orquestras nos EUA, Europa e Brasil. Também possui grande experiência em música de câmara, tendo sido integrante do Haven String Quartet (EUA) por dois anos. No Brasil, Elise tem realizado concertos com Gustavo Carvalho (piano), Miguel Rosselini (piano), Rommel Fernandes (violino), Iura Resende (clarinete) e Fernando Rocha (percussão).


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How to Cite

Perspectives on Beethoven’s Middle and Late Periods: Developments in his Writing for Cello in the Op. 69 and Op. 102 Sonatas. (2020). Revista Música, 20(2), 223-238.