Is it possible to identify transformational leadership in a financial institution?


  • Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo
  • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre


Palabras clave:

Leadership, Transformational leadership, Transactional, Financial institutions


Purpose – The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of employees of a Brazilian financial institution
about transformational leadership and, subsequently, compare the results amongst the different groups of
Design/methodology/approach – The authors present herein an empirical, descriptive and quantitative
study, in which the survey was used as the main data collection technique. The survey was applied to a national
sample composed of 603 employees (followers) operating in a financial institution. The authors utilized a few
statistical techniques to analyze the data collected, namely descriptive statistics, factor analysis, variance
analysis and linear regression.
Findings – The results indicate that employees have a high perception toward transformational leadership; no
significant differences between the groups of respondents were found. Followers perceive their leader as a
transformational agent, who inspires, encourages, considers and motivates them.
Practical implications – The relevance of this research theme and the main findings of this research
contribute to managerial practices since the leadership style under investigation is associated with positive
Originality/value – This research sought to explore transformational leadership in an unexpected context.
The originality of the study relies on the identification of a positive leadership style in the national financial
system, which is usually more focused on economic criteria. There is a lack of research on leadership in Brazil,
especially when it comes to quantitative studies. Not only the methodology but also the sample representing the
entire Brazilian territory bring about the originality of this research.


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Cómo citar

Is it possible to identify transformational leadership in a financial institution?. (2023). REGE Revista De Gestão, 30(2), 133-146.