The relationship between sustainable innovation and product or service innovation: a survey in companies in Rio Grande do Sul


  • Eliana Andrea Severo University Center - UniFBV. Department of Professional Master in Business Management,
  • Marcia Marisa Santanna Perin Faculdade Meridional. Department of Business Administration
  • Julio Cesar Ferro De Guimarães Universidade federal de Pernambuco. Department of Business Administration
  • Elaine Taufer Faculdade Meridional. Department of Business Administration


Palabras clave:

Innovation, Sustainable innovation, Sustainable company, Rio Grande do Sul


Purpose – Environmental problems and natural resources scarcity are changing contemporary organizations management. The current society quest sustainable companies, mostly concern with the consumption and efficient management of natural resources; those innovative and sustainable companies have the capacity to create innovations and beneficial outcomes for the environment and society. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relevance of sustainable innovation on products and services innovation, in companies in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).

Design/methodology/approach – In the research, the authors applied a descriptive and quantitative
method, through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), with the use of varimax rotation and multiple linear
regression. The final sample of the survey consists of 107 respondents.
Findings – The results indicate that sustainable innovation (SI) has an influence on products and services innovations in the organizations, moreover the process innovations can provide reduced energy consumption and waste emissions, indicating the awareness regarding the environmental issues.
Research limitations/implications – It is emphasized that environmental issues must be linked to investments in environmental education projects in organizations, thus enabling a systemic and effective vision on this issue.
Practical implications – This research presents managerial and academic contributions, as it has developed a scale to measure the importance of SI on products and services innovation.
Originality/value – The study developed a measurement model, with observable variables based on the specialized literature. The measurement model consists of the constructs of product/service innovation and SI, which were statistically validated through the tests of normality, reliability and EFA.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Eliana Andrea Severo, University Center - UniFBV. Department of Professional Master in Business Management,

    Holds a Postdoctoral degree from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS),Doctorate degree in Business Administration at the Pontifíıcia University Catóolica of Rio Grande do Sul(PUC-RS) and University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Brazil. She has experience in the area of BusinessAdministration, with emphasis in environmental management, innovation and entrepreneurship. She iscurrently Professor at the University Center UniFBV, Department of Professional Master in BusinessManagem.ent

  • Marcia Marisa Santanna Perin, Faculdade Meridional. Department of Business Administration

    Holds Master’s Degree in Business Administration from theFaculdade Meridional (IMED) in Passo Fundo. She has experience in the area of BusinessAdministration. She is currently Professor at the Faculdade Meridional (IMED), PostgraduateProgram in Administration.

  • Julio Cesar Ferro De Guimarães, Universidade federal de Pernambuco. Department of Business Administration

    Holds a Postdoctoral degree from the University of Caxias do Sul(UCS), Doctor in Business Administration at the Pontificia University Catóolica of Rio Grande do Sul(PUC-RS) and University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Brazil. He has experience in the area of BusinessAdministration, Emphasis in Management of Innovation, Business Competitiveness and CleanerProduction. He is a Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Graduate Program inBusiness Administration, Center for Applied Social Sciences (CCSA).

  • Elaine Taufer, Faculdade Meridional. Department of Business Administration

    Holds Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Faculdade Meridional(IMED) in Passo Fundo. She has experience in the area of Business Administration and she is a Professorat the Faculdade Meridional (IMED), Postgraduate Program in Administration.







Cómo citar

The relationship between sustainable innovation and product or service innovation: a survey in companies in Rio Grande do Sul. (2020). REGE Revista De Gestão, 27(4), 319-334.