Accountability for reasonableness in health care litigation: A proposal for a procedural enforcement


  • Caroline Somesom Tauk Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil



Accountability for Reasonableness, Constitutional Law, Health Care Litigation


The article analyzed the procedural criteria based on “accountability for reasonableness” as an auxiliary method to the jurisdictional control in health care litigation, especially after the creation of the Brazilian National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation in the Brazilian National Health System. It was studied how the influence of pragmatism in the courts suggests a different judicial model for the materialization of the right to health in an attempt to reduce litigation in the debate and the risks to equity in the distribution of the resources. Empirical data from literature review was collected to analyze the National Committee’s concrete performance. It was concluded that the greater jurisdictional control over the decision-making procedure by health authorities regarding the inclusion of medicine on public lists may be a judicial pragmatic approach tending to produce better results, by making public authorities accountable for their actions and requiring them to explicit the reasons of the allocative decisions on pharmaceutical assistance, as well as stimulating the social participation in the procedure.


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Author Biography

  • Caroline Somesom Tauk, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil

    Master in Public Law by the Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Visiting scholar at Columbia Law School (New York, United States). Federal Judge.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Tauk, C. S. (2020). Accountability for reasonableness in health care litigation: A proposal for a procedural enforcement . Journal of Health Law, 20(3), 114-138.