The importance of the implementation of palliative care in the Brazilian National Health System


  • Fernanda Schaefer Centro Universitário Curitiba.



Autonomy, Palliative Care, Worthy Death, End of Life


The hospitalization of death and the Medicine technological development throughout the twentieth century made death an aseptic and solitary event that removed from the patient the autonomy over the process of dying itself. However, the population aging and the increase in non-transmissible are demanding that Medicine turns its attention to the patient and not only to the disease, stimulating the rethinking about the process of dying and encouraging the patient to reappropriate their own death. Based on bibliographic and normative research, and exploratory methodology, the present article intends to discuss the palliative care as a right to be guaranteed to the terminally ill patient who, in recognizing of the finitude of life, seeks in their final moments physical, mental and spiritual comfort. The resignification of death and the dying process are, today, necessary elements to guarantee the patient’s autonomy over their own body and the quality of their life until the final moments, and, from this comes the importance of the Resolution n. 41/18, MS to the Brazilian National Health System.


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Author Biography

  • Fernanda Schaefer, Centro Universitário Curitiba.

    Post-doctorate by the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Bioethics at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR); Doctorate in Social Relations Law at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), the Universidade do País Basco and Universidade de Deusto (Spain); Master in Economic and Social Law from PUC-PR; Law degree from PUC-PR. Professor and coordinator of Postgraduate Program Lato Sensu in Medical Law at the Centro Universitário Curitiba (UniCuritiba); director of the Escola de Administração Pública of the Instituto Municipal de Administração Pública (IMAP) of Curitiba.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Schaefer, F. (2020). The importance of the implementation of palliative care in the Brazilian National Health System. Journal of Health Law, 20(3), 26-50.