Legal mechanisms of patient safety: Rethinking the legal framework of the theme in Brazil


  • Aline Albuquerque Universidade de Brasília
  • Arthur Regis Universidade de Brasília



Damages, Patient’s Rights, Adverse Events, Civil Liability, Patient’s Safety


The judicialization of medicine is a growing phenomenon in Brazil. There is a gradual increase in suits against physicians as a result of adverse events. This article aimed to identify and synthesize the legal mechanisms adopted by different countries to deal with issues related to patient safety and harm to patients due to health care. Considering the assumptions previously established in this article and its scope, the following mechanisms were categorized: (i) mechanisms on extrajudicial solution of conflicts in health care; (ii) mechanisms on patient complaint system; (iii) mechanisms on compensation of damages without fault or administrative; and (iv) mechanisms on disclosure and apologies. It is a theoretical and documentary study, based on the specialized literature on each of the subjects covered by the mechanisms and the European Union’s Report on Patients’ Rights, (2016). It was concluded that the fact that the Brazilian model is based on the judicialization of Medicine leads to the weakening of the bonds of trust established between health professional and patient. Also, it contributes to the expenditure of excessive material and human resources on the part of the State and the parties involved in the legal proceedings without guaranteeing the corresponding satisfaction of the same with the result of the judicial action. In addition, because of judicial actions, the systemic improvement of the quality of health services is not yet achieved.


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Author Biographies

  • Aline Albuquerque, Universidade de Brasília

    Post-doctorate in Human Rights at the Human Rights Centre at University of Essex (England); post-doctorate in Health and Human Rights at the Institute of Human Rights at Emory University (United States). Accredited Professor of the Post-Graduation in Bioethics from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB).

  • Arthur Regis, Universidade de Brasília

    Doctorate and Masters in Bioethics from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Lawyer.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Albuquerque, A., & Regis, A. (2020). Legal mechanisms of patient safety: Rethinking the legal framework of the theme in Brazil. Journal of Health Law, 20(3), 3-25.