Resource control inspection of autonomous social services




Autonomous Social Service, Resource control, Federal Court of Accounts, Ministries, Federal Comptroller General


The text aims to investigate the autonomous social services and control their resources by the Federal Court of Accounts, by the Ministries and by the Federal Comptroller General. A methodology consists of the analysis of the legal and jurisprudential doctrine of the Supreme Federal Court and the Federal Court. of Federal Accounts related to the theme, using bibliographic and documentary methods, with emphasis on the sources of study of Constitutional Law and the General Theory of Law. In this edition, the problem is answered or the question of the inspection of the resources of autonomous social services by external bodies, which is not yet a unique case in doctrine and jurisprudence. It is concluded that autonomous social services are subject to public budget rules, as they are mostly supported by the transfer of taxes and must be subject to control governed by the constitutional principles of Public Administration.


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Author Biography

  • Edvaldo Nilo de Almeida, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC

    Postdoctoral fellow in the Postdoctoral Program in Democracy and Human Rights at Ius Gentium Conimbrigae / Center for Human Rights (IGC / CDH) associated with the University of Coimbra. PhD in Public Law from PUC / SP. Master in Constitutional Law from the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law (IDP). Specialist in Tax Law from the Faculty of Law Foundation of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Specialist in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Specialist in Tax Planning (FTE). Federal District Finance Attorney at the Administrative Court of Tax Appeals of the Federal District - TARF / DF.


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. Acórdão 1669/2019. Relator Augusto Sherman Pleno, julgado em 17/07/2019, Ata 26/2019 – Plenário.

. Acórdão 1286/2015. Relator Benjamin Zymler. Plenário, julgado em 27/05/2015, Ata 19/2015.

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TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNIÃO. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2022.






How to Cite

Resource control inspection of autonomous social services. (2022). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 9(1), 44-65.