The (im)possibility of granting transportation allowance to federal public servants who use their own vehicles

a legal analysis


  • Willian Silva Coutinho Universidade Federal de Viçosa



The transportation allowance is a benefit available to federal public servants and federal pub-lic employees to cover part of the cost of their commute to and from work on public transport. This article examines the possibility of granting such an allowance to public servants who use their own vehicles, rather than public transport, to travel to their workplace. In spite of regulatory restrictions, there is au-thority in case law for the possibility of granting the allowance in such cases, in the light of a factual and legal analysis founded on the principles of equality and reasonableness. As legal disputes on the matter continue to grow, a comparison of established case law with the regulatory restrictions currently im-posed on the granting of the allowance illustrates a need for a review of the matter by the competent powers with a view to a salutary resolution.


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Author Biography

  • Willian Silva Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
    Coordenador Adjunto de Gestão de Pessoas no IF Sudeste MG - Campus Muriaé. Bacharel em Administração. Especialista em Direito Público. Mestrando em Administração Pública.






How to Cite

The (im)possibility of granting transportation allowance to federal public servants who use their own vehicles: a legal analysis. (2018). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 5(2), 299-321.