The collapse of the Fundão dam: an analysis of the marginalization of affected communities in the post-disaster governance process
Power asymmetry, Post-disaster governance, Mining, Affected communitiesAbstract
This article analyzes the dimensions of the political asymmetry that were responsible for shaping the exclusion process of those affected in post-disaster contexts. The case of the Fundão Dam collapse in Mariana (MG), 2015 was investigated and Steven Lukes’ theoretical construct of the three faces of power was adapted for understanding the exclusion dynamics in the post-disaster governance process. A qualitative approach was used as the methodology, which involved document analysis, observation, and semi-structured interviews. The results showed how those affected played a subordinate role and were disregarded in the main decisions that shaped the post-disaster governance. The process employed was structured by way of institutional frameworks that were persistently defective, and which, even when they were modified, were not satisfactorily implemented. The conclusion we draw is that the exclusion of those affected involved decisions, arenas, and ideas, and that “non-instrumental rationality” was disregarded throughout the entire process. The use of the three faces construct proved to be productive and can be applied when analyzing other post-disaster scenarios.
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