Author Guidelines
1. Online submission
All submissions must be done exclusively online as it follows:
I – Access the website
II – Click on “Login” at the top menu bar.
III – If it is the first login, insert your personal data at “Register”. If you are already registered, only do the login.
IV – Follow the system instructions to submit the paper.
The registration is mandatory to the papers submissions, as well as for the editorial process. It is also mandatory that all the authors have an ORCID ID.
2. Editorial standards
All submitted manuscripts must be original work and cannot be sent to another ways of communication or be simultaneously under consideration by other journals. The manuscript must be submitted with an Originality Declaration signed by the author(s).
All submitted manuscripts are subjected to initial appraisal by the editor, as well as a plagiarism control through software.
Even if selected after the peer review process, the manuscripts can be refused by the editors, if they are not rigorously according to these guidelines.
The manuscripts are reviewed in a double blind system by independent experts in the field. This evaluation takes from 4 to 8 months and the publication of approved manuscripts takes from 6 to 15 months.
If the manuscripts present a research that involves human beings, it is advised that a declaration of ethics is attached to the submission. This declaration must follow the CNS Resolution nº 466/12 and the norm 001/2013 (check the website
3. Publication fees
No fees are charged to submit and evaluate the manuscripts.
4. Manuscripts preparation
All manuscripts must pass through orthographical and editorial standardization. This editorial standardization can be altered with the editor’s consent, but the orthographical norms must be respected in any case. All images must have captions, credits and sources. The authors are responsible for image reproductions from other authors, journals and books. The author contact must include address, e-mail, phone number and institutional affiliation. Any indication in the manuscript that can lead the reviewers to discover the authorship must be absent in the text. All the information concerning the authorship and contact must be filled in the registration form. All the research sponsors must be acknowledged.
4.1. Article
All articles must have their title and abstract in its original language as well as in English. If the text is submitted in a foreign language, it must include the above information in Portuguese. If the article results from a graduate thesis, the author must specify this information and insert the name of the academic advisor.
4.1.1. Format
Text: between 30,000 and 40,000 characters with space, including tables, charts, bibliographical references etc.
Abstract in English and Portuguese: 1,200 characters with space each one, and each one must have only one paragraph.
Key-words in English and Portuguese: three to five key-words, inserted above each abstract (Portuguese and English), and they must be separated by a point. Whenever possible, the key-words should be part of the Vocabulário Controlado USP, available at:
All citations and bibliographical references must follow the ABNT norms (NBR 10520), preferably in the Author-Date system. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
The bibliographical references must be inserted at the end of the text, which must contain all the referenced works following strictly the ABNT norms.
4.1.2. Images and charts
All the images and charts must include captions, sources and authorship, and have high quality performance. The images must have at least 300 dpi, preferably saved in tiff.
The limit is of 8 images and 5 tables.
If the author wants to publish images extracted from other publications, he/she must attach an authorization, in which it is ensured that no copyright laws are violated in the reproduction.
All images must be properly indicated in the text.
4.2. Testimonials
25,000 to 50,000 characters. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
4.3. Reviews
Up to 10,000 characters. The author must attach to his/her manuscript the cover image of the book reviewed, preferably saved in tiff with 300 dpi. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
4.4. FAUUSP research labs and services
Up to 20,000 characters. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
4.5. FAUUSP conferences
Up to 80.000 characters. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
4.6. Events
Up to 50,000 characters. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
4.7. In Memoriam
From 2,000 to 4,000 characteres. The styles and bibliographical references norms must respect the sections 4 and 5 of these guidelines.
5. Formal aspects of the manuscripts
Open file, saved in Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
A4, 2,5 cm margins, lines with a 1,5 space, Times New Roman 12.
Prefer italics to underlines (except in URL links); the images and tables must be inserted in the text, and not at the end of the manuscript as an appendix.
If the manuscript is approved, the editors will demand the images in separated files and high resolution (300 dpi).
6. Notes and bibliographical references
The bibliographical references must follow the ABNT norm NBR 6023/2002. If the work referenced has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it must be inserted in the line after the bibliographical reference. The author(s) can view examples of the ABNT norm in the examples below.
All the works quoted or referenced in the text must be inserted in the bibliographical references. Only the works indicated in the text must be inserted; references that do not respect this guideline will be subtracted before publication.
6.1. Complete work
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name. Work title: subtitle (if any). Edition number (not necessary if first edition). City of publication: publishing house, publication date. Total number of pages, using “p” as an abbreviation.
LIMA, João Filgueiras. Arquitetura: uma experiência na área da saúde. São Paulo: Romano Guerra, 2012. 336p.
CARNEIRO, Gabriela Pereira. Arquitetura interativa: contextos, fundamentos e design. 2014. 235p. Thesis (PhD in Architecture and Urbanism) – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.
Observation: indicate if the author is an editor: (Ed.).
TABACOW, José. (Org.). Roberto Burle Marx: arte e paisagem: conferências escolhidas. 2.ed. São Paulo: Studio Nobel, 2004.
6.2. Book chapter
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name. Chapter title: subtitle (if any). In: complete work’s reference as in 5.1. At the end, insert first and last pages.
RIBEIRO, Renato Janine. A glória. In: CARDOSO, Sérgio. et al. Os sentidos da paixão. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1988. p. 107-116.
Observation: "et al." must be inserted when the work or chapter has more than three authors. In this case, only the first author must be indicated.
6.3. Complete journal
TITLE. City of publication: publication house, first number date.
6.4. Article published in journal
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name. Article title: subtitle (if any). Journal title. City of publication: publishing house, volume, number, pages (first-last), month, year. DOI:
COSTA, Sabrina Studart Fontenele. Continuidade e permeabilidade urbana nos arranha-céus modernos no centro de São Paulo. Pós. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação da FAUUSP, São Paulo, v. 19, n. 31, p. 82-97, 2012.
6.5. Newspaper article
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name (if any). Article title. Newspaper title, city of publication, date, section or part and pages.
PAIVA, Anabela. Trincheira musical: músico dá lições de cidadania em forma de samba para crianças e adolescentes. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 12 jan. 2002, Educação, p. 2.
If the article is not published in a special part of the newspaper:
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name (if any). Article title. Newspaper title, city of publication, pages, date.
PAIVA, A. Trincheira musical: músico dá lições de cidadania em forma de samba para crianças e adolescentes. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, p. 2, 12 jan. 2002.
6.6. Graduate thesis and other academic works
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name. Work title: subtitle (if any). Year of accomplishment. Number of pages. Degree – Institution, City. Year of defense.
SAKATA, Francine Gramacho. O projeto paisagístico como instrumento de requalificação urbana. 2004. 282 f. Dissertation (Master in Architecture and Urbanism) – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004.
TREVISAN, Francine. Sajous architecto: presença e atuação profissional 1930-1959. São Paulo, 2013. 292 p. Thesis (PhD in Architecture and Urbanism) – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.
6.7. Complete event
EVENT’S NAME, edition number (if any), year and city. Document title (ex.: proceedings), city of publication: publication house, date.
REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE QUÍMICA, 20, 1997, Poços de Caldas. Livro de Resumos. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 1997.
6.8. Communication in an event
AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, First name. Work title. In: EVENT’S NAME, edition number (if any), date and city. Document title (ex.: proceedings), city of publication: publication house, date, first and last pages.
SOUZA, Luiz Roberto; BORGES, Antônio; REZENDE, José Otávio. Influência da correção e do preparo do solo sobre algumas propriedades químicas do solo cultivado com bananeiras. In: REUNIÃO BRASILEIRA DE FERTILIDADE DO SOLO E NUTRIÇÃO DE PLANTAS, 21., 1994, Petrolina. Anais... Petrolina: EMBRAPA, CPATSA, 1994. p. 3-4.
6.9. Work accessed in an eletronic media
Follow the reference format of a work, inserting at the end information about the material of the electronic media.
KOOGAN, André Breikmam; HOUAISS, Antonio (Ed.). Enciclopédia e dicionário digital 98. Direção geral de André Koogan Breikmam. São Paulo: Delta: Estadão, 1998. 5 CD-ROMs.
6.10. Work accessed online
Follow the above guidelines and insert: Available at: <URL>. Accessed in: date of access. Insert DOI, if any.
SARTORE, Marina de Souza. A sociologia dos índices de sustentabilidade. Tempo Social, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 2, nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Accessed in: 15 jan. 2013.
Observation: authors are advised to not insert URLs with a short life duration.
6.11. Legislation
JURISDICTION. Title, number, date. Description. Publication data.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Decreto nº 42.822, de 20 de janeiro de 1998. Dispõe sobre a desativação de unidades administrativas de órgãos da administração direta e das autarquias do Estado e dá providências correlatas. Lex: coletânea de legislação e jurisprudência, São Paulo, v. 62, n. 3, p. 217-220, 1998.
BRASIL. Medida provisória nº 1.569-9, de 11 de dezembro de 1997. Estabelece multa em operações de importação, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 14 dez. 1997. Seção 1, p. 29514.
6.12. Quote norms
In a direct quote, the text must be inserted between quotation marks and in italic, followed by author, date and page of the source between parentheses.
Segundo George (1985, p. 44), “[...] Oswald manipula a linguagem do amor [...]”.
Oliveira e Leonardos (1943, p. 146) dizem que a “[...] relação da série São Roque com os granitos porfiroides pequenos é muito clara.”.
“Apesar das aparências, a desconstrução do logocentrismo não é uma psicanálise da filosofia [...]” (DERRIDA, 1967, p. 293).
“Não se mova, faça de conta que está morta.” (CLARAC; BONNIN, 1985, p. 72).
Observation: any direct quote of more than three lines must have a 4 cm left indentation, and must not have quotation marks.
If an excerpt is based in another work, but it does not have direct quotes, then the author and date of the consulted work must be indicated between brackets.
A ironia seria assim uma forma implícita de heterogeneidade, conforme a classificação proposta por Authier-Reiriz (1982).
Merriam e Caffarella (1991) observam que a localização de recursos tem um papel crucial no processo de aprendizagem autodirigida
Para efeito de estudo, as unidades podem ser subdivididas em subunidades, de modo a permitir um detalhamento em outra escala (MACEDO, 1997).
Diversos autores salientam a importância do “acontecimento desencadeador” no início de um processo de aprendizagem (CROSS, 1984; KONX, 1986; MEZIROW, 1991).
Observation: in the case of two or more authors, insert the last names in alphabetical order.
If the quote has a quotation of another author, it must include the “apud” expression.
No modelo serial de Gough (1972 apud NARDI, 1993, p. 30), o ato de ler envolve um processo serial que começa com uma fixação ocular sobre o texto, prosseguindo da esquerda para a direita de forma linear.
Ressaltando as diversidades culturais das paisagens que se apropriam de sua obra, Oiticica desdenha as ideias nacionalistas e reacionárias incutidas “[...] de maior floresta do mundo, o maior rio do mundo, o maior não-sei-o-quê do mundo [...]” (OITICICA, 1977 apud AMARAL, 2006, p. 124).
6.13. Footnotes
Footnotes can be inserted if indispensable and short. They must be written in arabical numerals, font Times New Roman, size 10, simple space between lines.
All the authors must sign an Originality Declaration.
7.1. Model
For whom it may concern, I certify I worked in the work title _, and I am responsible for its content, and I did not omit any sponsor and/or financial support that may have interest in this work publication;
I also certify that this is an original work and that it is of my authorship. This work is not under evaluation in other journals and it will not be until the evaluation of Pós is finished.
Signature of the author(s), Date (day/month/year)
8. Copyrights
Pós. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação FAUUSP respects Creative Commons Atribution By.
The author has the copyrights of the article. Pós only requires originality. The author can publicize the article as he/she wishes, but Pós credits must be referenced.
Pós allows the republication of its articles, provided that the original source is duly referenced.
9. Final observations
After submission, all works are analyzed. Any infringements of these guidelines will require a new and corrected submission.
All texts are of authors responsibility and will not have modifications on the content without authorization.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The manuscript is original and does not undergo an evaluation by another journal.
- The file is open and saved in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
- URLs and DOI were informed.
- The manuscript does not have any information that can damage the blind peer review.
- Images and charts are duly identified with sources and credits, and the author has all the copyrights authorizations to publish them.
- The authors have full responsibility for the information, images, data and text in the manuscript.
- All the sponsors have been acknowledged.
- The authors have read and agreed to the Publication ethics.
- The authors have an ORCID ID.
- The manuscript follows all the styles and bibliographical standards described in the Submission Guidelines.
Copyright Notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Privacy Statement
This journal offers open access to its content, following the principle that free availability of scientific knowledge represents a major step to science dissemination.