Evidence of non-selective lexical access to second and third language in unbalanced multilinguals: an N400 study on the processing of interlingual homographs





multilingualism, interlingual homographs, N400, Portuguese-English-German multilingualism


Bilinguals and multilinguals commonly encounter words in their multiple languages which share some linguistic aspects. Among those are interlingual homographs, or words that have the exact same orthography in two different languages. The current study examined, through a semantic judgment task in English with ERP recording, how multilinguals (speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, English and German) accessed the meanings of interlingual homographs that belonged to their dominant and non-dominant foreign languages compared to a control group of Brazilian Portuguese-English bilinguals. The findings demonstrated that multilinguals were slower to respond to the English-German interlingual homographs as compared to control stimuli (no homographs). The results also demonstrated that, when the interlingual homographs were semantically related to their targets in the non-target language, there were significantly more errors and a higher RT than in unrelated conditions. Additionally, only the bilinguals presented the typical N400 effect for unrelated conditions, suggesting that the co-activation of the non-target language due to interlingual homographs modulated this ERP in the multilingual group. Our results provide support for the Bilingual Interactive Activation plus model and suggest that literature findings on interference between first and second languages also hold for second and third languages.


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Dossiê: Bilinguismo luso-alemão

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LAMEIRA, Marina; BEZERRA, Felipe; TOASSI, Pâmela; CRAVO, André; CARTHERY-GOULART, Maria Teresa. Evidence of non-selective lexical access to second and third language in unbalanced multilinguals: an N400 study on the processing of interlingual homographs. Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 26, n. 49, p. 35–67, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/1982-8837264935. Disponível em: https://journals.usp.br/pg/article/view/208717.. Acesso em: 2 out. 2024.