Personagens e Movimentos Retóricos no Gênero Cartilha


  • Marcia Mendonça Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP


Rhetoric movement. Comics. Educational booklets. Textual genres. Communicative purposes.


This paper presents main rhetorical moves in educational booklets which use comics (cartilhas educativas quadrinizadas) (CQs), considering its relationship with communicative purposes of this genre, based on the contributions of socio-rhetorical perspective (Swales, 1990; Bezerra, 2006; and Freedman & Medway, 1994). The corpus is composed of six CQs for preventing Sexually Transmitted Disesases (STDs)/ AIDS, aimed at diversified readers. This genre is part of mass information campaigns, usually in the public sphere, similar to other genres of popular science, but intends to persuade readers to adopt the preventive measures or the treatment recommended in booklets (Mendonça, 2008). The main rhetorical moves identified in the corpus are: 1. Institutional anchorage; 2. Introduction to the theme and objectives of the booklet; 3. Presentation of the problem; 4. Characterization of the disease; 5. Prevention forms and treatment; 6. Changing attitudes/ encouragement. Identify rhetorical moves in CQs can be helpful to understand how this genre conveys scientific information, how comprehensible its language can be and which social roles are represented in this genre.



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How to Cite

Mendonça, M. (2012). Personagens e Movimentos Retóricos no Gênero Cartilha. 9 Arte (São Paulo), 1(1), 83-90.