Project and implementation of a personal assistant for meeting scheduling


  • Mateus Ramos Vendramini Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica
  • Ricardo Ciriaco Camargo Imagure Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica
  • Marcos Ribeiro Pereira Barretto Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica



Natural Language, Multi-agent Systems, Text Processing


The process of scheduling a meeting relies on a negotiation between two or more actors and might be a tedious  task, therefore resulting in unoptimezed results given the lack of commitment of the actors. To solve this  problem, it was proposed an assistante based on an architecture with two main modules: Semanticizer, responsible for the natural language processing and the creation of an object that represents the semantic of the user utterance; Dialog Managers, responsible for dialog’s conduction, processing the Semanticizer output and generating outputs. This solution allowed half of the testers to accomplish their goals while using the assistant, with an average of three turns to collect all relevant data to the meeting. It also achieved 84% of accuracy to identify relevant entities and 53% of accuracy to identify relevant intents expressed by the users.


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How to Cite

Project and implementation of a personal assistant for meeting scheduling. (2022). Mecatrone, 5(1), 1-16.