Connections and interactions of the creation process in remote design education: flow and transit between process documents in the Project Feel discipline


  • Marcelo José Oliveira de Farias Centro Universitário Senac



design teaching, remote teaching, creation process, design project, process documents


This article seeks to discuss facets that structure the complex network of creation in the transit between analog and digital process documents, developed in the context of remote teaching of the Projeto Sentir discipline of the design course at Centro Universitário Senac – Santo Amaro, in the 2020 academic year. Study motivated by aspects related to the development of the student's thought, from the concerns that delineate and guided the following question: How the documents of the design creation process interact with the actions of students in their creative procedural strategies in network, from the observation and analysis of project activities and experiences in remote classes? The discussion takes place under the perspective of the critical theory of the creation process, where the critic seeks to enter into the complexity of this process. Therefore, we are trying to verify the procedures that are established between analogical and digital documents and the student's actions in their creative procedural strategies in a network, that is, their decisions and choices regarding the variables that move, plot and structure thought. In this sense, the objective is to identify and discuss aspects that affect the teaching and learning of the design process from remote design classes. Outlining through classroom experiences possibilities and sketches for (re)thinking creation in the digital context.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. J. O. de. (2021). Connections and interactions of the creation process in remote design education: flow and transit between process documents in the Project Feel discipline. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 44, 117-127.